You have a listing and it's priced well. Realtors and People begin to make the phone call as they want to see this house that is priced so that they can purchase the house. On one hand it's a great deal for that buyer who has been searching and searching for the perfect price home.
On the other hand you have to consider the client's wishes to sell the house but they are sick. These people bought their house when the market was up and now their property has devalued to the point that they can't sell the property for the amount of money that they owe on the mortgage. When they purchased the house they were excited to find the deal of the century. As time passed the housing market crashed, the husband got sick he can't work. The wife lost her job. Oh my what do they do? They call me a Realtor who advises them their house isn't worth the money they paid for in the past couple of years. So these brave people go forward to sell their house so they can move on. These brave soldiers aren't getting a dime for the house. They are losing their home. The bank will have to deal with the bottom line dollars but these people have taken care of this house, paid their payment but now they are loosing their asset. These people don't have the government bailing them out. They didn't ask for this illness they believed in the American Dream that they would prevail.
It's my stance to be respectful of these people who are losing everything. The offer will come in time but their self respect is important to me. It's not about the deal it's about helping people through difficult times. The self reliance of their ability to get through this tough time is something that I hope will be a tribute to our society. These folks deserve all that I can give them, time will tell how it progresses.
Real Estate Isn't about Houses, It's about people. If I can inspire and helpothers then I'm doing society a great justice,,, If you need solutions call me so we can discuss your solution...
Call Me April Moore,Broker 503-930-8880