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Fatigue and Auto Accidents

Services for Real Estate Pros with DC Insurers

Although it is difficult to prove conclusively, driver fatigue is recognized as a major cause of collisions, particularly on motorways. Driving while tired means reaction times are slower and vigilance, alertness, concentration, and the quality of decision-making are severely affected. Studies show that staying awake for 18 hours and driving produces the same effect as being drunk behind the wheel.

There are many folk remedies to help stay awake, such as drinking a caffeinated beverage, opening windows, turning on air conditioning, or turning up the radio. But the only proven preventative measure is to stop driving and take a break for at least 20 minutes.

Symptoms of driving fatigued include:

  • Heavy eyelids, frequent blinking, difficulty focusing
  • Impaired concentration
  • Missing exits or traffic signals
  • Repeated yawning
  • Drifting into other lanes or off the road
  • Irritability or jumpiness

Play it safe. If you’re on a lengthy journey and driving alone, take frequent breaks and arrange to stay overnight at a hotel instead of trying to drive all night to reach your destination. If you have another driver on board, share the driving and swap every two hours if possible. If you’ve had to work a lengthy shift at work and you’re tired, catch a taxi. The inconvenience of having to return to collect your vehicle is minimal compared to what may result if you’re involved in an accident.

For more insurance on safe driving measures and car insurance, contact DC Insurers today.