Hi everyone I am back and thank full to just be alive, Let me explain. Starting early last year my medical provider ( Kaiser Permanente ) sent me a blood occult test kit. The first one they sent had pieces missing and therefore was unusable. After a few inquiries ( it seems this was a new program for them and no one knew who was in charge ) I was able to get a second test kit mailed to my home. This time my kids ( the dog, cats etc. ) promptly lost the kit. Because of what the test could represent I was getting a little worried. I then found that the optomology dept. was distributing the kits with patients yearly eye exams ( Diabetics which I am one ). Third time is a charm I took a sample and promptly mailed it to there lab.
Woa then came the call that they found something and would like me to come in for a colonoscopy. We where scheduled for the week after Thanksgiving 2008. The result "Mr. Beaver you have stage three Colon Cancer". Wow scarry no matter how I was told. Surgery was scheduled for January 19, 2009.
Well this part is really surreal, Imagine what is going through my mind. The number two Cancer Killer in the nation and on the day of the surgery I show up with my wife. In sweat pants carrying my drivers license just carrying the bare minimum and with an expectation of a 4-6 week recovery if everything goes well ( It did and did not ).
I wake up in Late March 2009 and find out that I have been asleep ( in a coma ) since the day of surgery. The good news is Colon Cancer Cured, No Chemo or Radiation needed, The bad news is I had 3-4 heart attacks 3-4 days after surgery.
I could go on and on about the road to recovery but the good news is I am out of the hospital and Re-Hab walking again with only the assistance of a cane and back to work with some assistance.
If there are any cancer anything survivors out there please comment on this post. What I am writing here is only the tip of the ice berg. Especially since being back the number of people that I know that have passed away due to heart attacks and in comparison to my battle makes me wonder why I am still alive and they are not.
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