
What do your clients really think?

Real Estate Agent with Real Living At The Beach

I visit another board sponsored by a home and garden network featuring real estate and decorating shows, you all know the initials.   The posts on there are really eye opening about how many of us are running/ruining our real estate businesses.

Take a stroll through some of the topics -

"I can't sell my Miami Home - The poster has been trying to sell her home for 2.5 years.  Her agent blows her off and doesn't bother to answer questions, just says we don't do it that way here.  Currently, the agent is away on a 2 week vacation, it seems the poster has no one at the agency to contact with her concerns.

Next post after several responses critiques of the photography - really bad, and the write up - very confusing.

Subsequent posts it comes out that if she wants more marketing of her home, video tour etc, the agent told her she could pay for it.   The comments go on and on.  After several more posts the general consensus is to dump the agent and go shopping for a new one.

Another Post -

This person - their listing just disappeared and no one can figure out why.  She has questions about why so few showings in a short period of time, the response from the agent according to the poster is they need to cut down a tree, instead of take better photos. 

After more posts - it seems the listing agent is not being communicative and doesn't seem to be very proactive. 

last one, but I could go on;

"These buyers are confused about what is a cash sale vs a mortgage and if they change their mind mid stream what affect will it have on the purchase.  The agent didn't or wouldn't answer so they came to the board seeking answers.

(I was going to post the actual comments in quotes, but decided I didn't want to run afoul of the Permission to Post question.) 

Now, what do all these have in common?  Where is their real estate agent?  Why are they not doing their job?  Isn't that what we get very nice commissions (sometimes) to do? 

Why are they on a public forum getting advice from strangers with no knowledge of real estate in their market?  Because the real estate agent got the contract or the listing and disappeared.  We all love to trot out the list of everything we do to earn our commission, but looks to me from looking at other boards, a lot of us are not walking the walk.

So,  what questions are your clients asking in an open forum.

Oh, many times Mr and Ms Agent - the listing info is included and everyone can see who it is giving such bad service to their clients.

I just thought ya'll like to know.


Andrea Swiedler
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices New England Properties - New Milford, CT
Realtor, Southern Litchfield County CT

Cherry, that is scary. And makes us all look bad. I am amazed at some of the things that go on. But, we can all learn to do things a bit better, no matter how good we are. Great post!

Aug 14, 2009 01:08 AM
Team Honeycutt
Allen Tate - Concord, NC

Thanks for shaing I think many of us are experiencing the same thing.


Aug 14, 2009 01:39 AM
Lina Robertson
AMAX Real Estate - Springfield, MO
REALTOR® Serving Springfield, Nixa and Ozark, MO

Cherry, this just amazes me.  I wouldn't be able to stay in business if I didn't respond to my clients.  I'm guessing these agents probably don't have a high rate of referral business.  Unfortunately, we are like every other profession....the bad ones have a way of spoiling it for the good ones.  Thanks for sharing.

Aug 14, 2009 02:09 AM
Cherry Temple
Real Living At The Beach - Myrtle Beach, SC


It is amazing and upsetting. 

It is not a bad idea to just visit over there and see what real people are experiencing and saying.  On top of that the layman advice they are receiving. 

Aug 14, 2009 02:45 AM
Judy Schneider
eXp Realty - Bellingham, WA


This is really sad! I can only hope that most people understand that some of us do care! We are not all made from that mold! I have heard similar things from my clients about agents they have had in the past! They simply need to find an agent that will make them a priority!

Thank You for posting this!


Aug 14, 2009 04:23 AM
Maureen McCabe
HER Realtors - Columbus, OH
Columbus Ohio Real Estate

"Why are they on a public forum getting advice from strangers with no knowledge of real estate in their market?  Because the real estate agent got the contract or the listing and disappeared."

Because they have free will?

Because they enjoy the freedom to tell their story?

Because everyone enjoys ranting?

Because everyone else is doing it why shouldn't they?

Because they get attention?

It all boils down to because they can really.

Why would you blame their agent (s)?  Do you have some inside information about those situations?

I have no idea what your first paragraph refers to.  Board? Real estate board as in association? Or are you talking about an Online forum? Better Homes and Gardens?

While I can symapthize with someone whose home has been on the market for 2.5 years, there is more to the story I am sure.  The consumer has choices. It is not as if they don't have other options in their market, Miami?  I bet they can find another agent or brokerage   I am not a big fan of the Q&A sites.  I have only answered a few questions and then just if it is my market.  I am certainly avoiding questions of consumers who are represented.

Blaming the RE agent is a popular past time.  I hate to see us judging one another   "The posts on there are really eye opening about how many of us are running/ruining our real estate businesses."



Nov 22, 2009 12:16 AM