
Become a Financial Detective When Investing in Real Estate

Commercial Real Estate Agent with NAI PFEFFERLE License #54598-90

Become a Financial Detective When Investing in Real Estate: When comparing real estate investment purchases due diligence is of the utmost importance to your efforts.  Like any business or investment, owning real estate has risks.  You may accept higher or lower risk levels but you need to know the facts in order to weigh the rsik/reward opportunity.  How can you know if what you are about to invest  your hard earned money into is a good deal if you do not have all the facts?  To read more...

If you are looking for investment properties please contact Ark Rhowmine at 715-297-1953 for assistance.
Ark Rhowmine | Commercial Real Estate Agent | Broker
Grubb & Ellis | Pfefferle
PO Box 865 | Wausau | WI | 54402-0865
C: 715.297.1953 | F: 715.355.6044 | E-mail: