"Ooooooh Oooooh That Smell." (Sang Way Way Off Key.)
A song sung by Lynyrd Skynyrd. A Maine home listed recently had an interesting past. One with pigs. The kind that went "Wee Wee Wee" all over the home, not all the way back to home. The former "rent with option to buy" purchaser that I did not set up, and that was long gone when I planted my real estate sign, had pigs in the place. Nooooo, not the two legged kind.The four legged ones...the kind bacon is made from that you eat at breakfast.(Snort snort, grunting sound..cue the sound effects man.)
It must have been like a porker race track around the INSIDE of the home.And these little porkers were the Lance Armstrong type..very athletic and able to scale stairs so they were on the second floor too. (Holding nose, continuing to type).
Anyway the owner had everything cleaned out, windows opened..for a long long time. Replaced the floors with new subfloor but in the marketing we do not guarantee the pig odors won't come back on a hot Maine day.
The smell of pork cooking on a gas grill is one thing. The slow cooking odors building up as the heat rises is another when the smell is coming from the inside, the walls, the ceilings, the interior wood frame structure. The place was only on the market about three weeks because it has a super setting, up to 37 acres and a big red classic barn. The proximity to a lake did not hurt and all priced in the $50's! Any way one of the prospective buyers was nice enough to send me a link to solutions for smelly homes, or real estate we come into contact with. There is a contest called "My House Stinks" and free paint is available..if you get into gear before the time runs out. Contest ends in September. Here are the prizes.*Post pictures or videos of your smelly room that needs a makeover
*Grand Prize: 12 gallons of Refresh paint and $5,000
*2nd Place: 8 gallons and $2,500
*3rd Place: 4 gallons and $1,000
Hope this helps someone that has a listing you only enjoy showing when you have a major head cold or borderline pneumonia. Odors, smells from garbage, cats, pigs, people that just did not get an "A" in sanitation class or housekeeping 101. We're on the lookout for the dirtiest real estate with the stink to high heaven smells radiating, pulsating, sprewing out of it. Do you have it listed or have your shown it..bringing the odor home with you on your clothes?
Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers - Maine, It's What's Been Missing In Your Life, Where You Live Now.