
Sonoran Property Inspections tip for pool owners

Home Inspector with Sonoran Property Inspections LLC


Pool maintenance.


Sonoran property Inspections has some tips for the agents and home owner’s that hopefully will reduce the stress of a home inspection and help homes close on time. When we are doing our home inspections in Scottsdale , Phoenix and the surrounding communities  we consistently see issues with pool maintenance. The pumps and filter are the primary culprits and it is this way primarily from lack of maintenance. The pumps typically run for 8 to 12 hours per day here in Arizona and will usually start to fail at about year 5. If the pump is taken apart and cleaned as well as lubricated every 2 years you can extend the life of the pump. The filter should have new sand installed about every 2 to 3 years in order to filter properly. I recommend getting a licensed Pool Contractor out every year or at least every 2 years to clean, adjust and lubricate, replace the rubber gaskets and tighten the equipment.  The underwater pool light typically will burn out in about 5 to 7 years depending on how much use it receives and is best left to the maintenance company to replace, as it can be a frustrating task for the average owner. The owner can have a service check done in most cases for about $ 75. This will go a long way in making sure the home inspection goes smooth and stress free. Sonoran Property Inspections wants to make sure the homes are in proper working order and that the closing can be a stress free event for both the seller and the buyer.


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Not a real person
San Diego, CA

How come you run pumps for 8-12 hours a day over there? That seems excessive.

Aug 25, 2009 06:41 PM
Jerry Spicer
Sonoran Property Inspections LLC - Scottsdale, AZ

Russel- The general rule of thumb here in Arizona with our brutal heat is 1 hour of pump run time to every 10 degrees of temp. We also put 1 bag of shock into the pool every 30 days to help keep bacteria in check, with the pool water at about 92 degrees , it can grow things pretty quick. Of course the more the pump is running the cleaner your pool will stay. The preferred time to run the pump is 9 pm to 9 am as this is the cheapest electric rates from APS. Hope this helps a bit.

Aug 26, 2009 02:21 AM