
Are Short Sale's Good Deal's In Salem Oregon?

Real Estate Agent with John L Scott


Are short sales good deals in Salem Oregon?  It's my opinion that short sales are a way of helping the home owner who is in the position of loosing their home.  Many realtors I've spoken to don't like short sales.


If you need assistance with a Broker who can negotiate and find a buyer, call me, April Moore, Broker

503-930-8880   While no one can guarantee positive results, no stone will be left unturned to get your house sold.  If your willing to commit to my services then we will get the job done.  I remain open and willing to find a positive solution to your unique needs in today's market.  It's sad but the facts are staring us in the face people are 50% upside down in their mortgages so if they have to sell their house what can they do?  What if they have to move for a job?  What if they have to sell due to an illness?   Call Me Today!   


BREAKING NEWS:  Totals on  shows 568 pre-foreclosures..MARION COUNTY OREGON. We need to be aware of what is happening in our market. We can't afford to put our heads in the sand and say that these

pre-foreclosure's don't exist.

Baker County (13) Harney County (1) Morrow County (9)
Benton County (33) Hood River County (23) Multnomah County (1482)
Clackamas County (859) Jackson County (540) Polk County (126)
Clatsop County (75) Jefferson County (89) Sherman County
Columbia County (115) Josephine County (207) Tillamook County (57)
Coos County (77) Klamath County (124) Umatilla County (66)
Crook County (125) Lake County (4) Union County (23)
Curry County (44) Lane County (494) Wallowa County (6)
Deschutes County (947) Lincoln County (109) Wasco County (29)
Douglas County (162) Linn County (173) Washington County (1040)
Gilliam County (2) Malheur County (18) Wheeler County (1)
Grant County (1) Marion County (568) Yamhill County (167)