As I present smartphone and mobile technology workshops to Realtors across the country, I have had to respond to a common theme, particularly when it came to using the smartphone as a lockbox key. "My smartphone is failing to be dependable as a key and I am getting frustrated".
At first Palm Treo devices took the brunt of the criticism, but it's really not the fault of the device, but the reality of the technology it employs. I get cries for help from users of all smartphone brands and models these days, with the same issues as the Palm has, but since they were first with eKey, they took the heat. Because I like and endorse Palm devices for real estate so much, I felt as if I owed my Agents some answers. So I did my homework.
Here is the reality: The smartphones are an incredibly useful tool for the mobile real estate professional, and given the opportunity, it will work well and last over time. The problem, in my mind at least, is that users were not taught how to give it the full opportunity to perform rightly.
Smartphones are mini computers, with a storage memory and an operating memory. Whenever you add a contact or appointment, receive an email or write a memo, you are saving it in storage memory. When you go to a website, or download a file online, it delivers cookies (you've heard of the dreaded cookie!) and temporary Internet files onto your device as well.
Just as on your PC, these files need to be regularly cleaned out, or they grow like the Blob (maybe you remember that silly movies from the 50's...I was still a glimmer of hope). Over time, these files will make your smartphone more sluggish and frustrating to use, until you are ready to toss it.
If you use the Supra eKey, remember you get nightly data loads from Supra. The temporary files and cookies can grow massively, and from hence comes the frustration and dismay.
No one told you that it's necessary until now, but you need a simple monthly maintenance plan to get your device humming again.
I'll begin by sharing with you a story: Here is the Activerain blog by Louisiana Realtor Amy Jones:
Smartphone EKey Error- Roadbump resolved
This past Sunday my Smartphone Ekey put a small road bump in my day. I am thankful to my friends, fellow agents, and clients for their help and understanding. All of the appointments were mapped out and a schedule was planned on Saturday. As I logged into my Ekey- I received an error message. A re-power has always resolved any similar errors in the past. Not this time.
Jo-Ann was working the front dest. Her picture could be a substitute for kind in the dictionary. She made some calls on my behalf. Heather is always willing to help out, she really came through for me on Sunday. Huge thank you to Heather!
After showing properties, I resumed searching for an EKEy fix. Apparently Windows based EKey applications can become corrupted. I had to un-install the program completely from my phone, then reinstall. You will need an authorization number to do so. The operators at Supra are very patient and will walk you through the process.
If you get an unexpected error on your EKey- call Supra first. It is likely that they will be able to help you resolve your problem.
I spoke to several agents that day who were having problems with systems being down. Technology is wonderful when it works. I'm blessed to have friends to help out when it doesn't!
I am happy that Amy got some help when she needed it, but it would have been even better had she known then what she knows now, and what I will share with you.
1. Clean out your phone. and free up memory. Synchronize if necessary to back up; then clean out your email box, your text messages and phone call logs.
Go to the Internet browser and clean out the cookies and temporary internet files. Move any photos you have to a memory card (if supported) or store them on your hard drive instead. You will be amazed at how much memory you will free up from these few steps.
Supra eKey users, delete the software monthly, and download it directly onto your device from the Supra mobile downloads site (Blackberry users only). Palm and Windows Mobile devices can download and sync from the PC at
2. Take out the battery and restart the system. Sometimes you need to restart your laptop, right? same with your smartphone. This frees up unused programs running in the background of some devices, as well as files running in the background, oblivious to you. This can also improve battery life.
If you can't take the battery out, such as an iPhone, a soft reset will do. To do this, press and hold the iPhone’s Sleep/Wake button (at the top) and the Home button for several seconds, or until you see the apple logo on the screen.
The other thing this does is disconnect you from the wireless network, long enough to establish a fresh connection. If you don't travel by plane often, odds are you never disconnect from the wireless network. This connection can grow stale, and a reconnection may improve call quality and data speed.
Lastly, a lint-free cloth to clean the screen and body from oils and fingerprints would be a good idea. if you have a physical keyboard, some compressed air may loosen dirt under the keys and improve data input.
If you schedule a monthly maintenance of your device, you will be amazed at how few times you will groan in frustration at your smartphone, and you will be the envy of your colleagues who fail to do what I have suggested here. You can even earn an occasional free lunch by offering a smartphone maintenance seminar provided they pick up the tab!
Please feel free to contact me for comments, questions or inquiries regarding my smartphones and mobile technology workshops for Realtors for your Board, Association, or realty office.
I offer private consultations as well.