Thinking Of Selling Your Trinity Florida Home?
Some Simple Steps To Success!
2nd In A Series
In this challenging market, you must present your property with it's best foot forward, out shine the competition and be ready to MOVE! So before we put out that FOR SALE SIGN, take time to follow these simple steps for success so you can have a SOLD SIGN UP QUICKLY!
Now That We Have Fixed Up
In Our First Series Post,
Lets Get Looking Great!
This I Call The "D" List Method.
Declutter Your Home!
You are now in "Selling Mode". Go around your home and pack up knick knacks, collections and those stacks of magazines! Your going to be moving, so get a headstart on that. Donate, have a yard sale, whatever your choice! Go thru the closets and clean them out. We want the potential buyers to see what great ROOM you have and not get hit on the head when they open an overstuffed closet. If you have excess furniture, consider getting a POD, or storage unit. We want the rooms to look as spacious and open as possible! Be sure and clean off those kitchen counters and take the collection of magnets off the refrigerator door. Expand these tips to every room in your home.
De-Personalize Your Home!
Yes I know, I have family portraits but I am NOT SELLING MY HOUSE. The concept is to allow the buyer to picture themselves living in their new home, not your home with your family, no matter how nice you are! When a home has personal photos and portraits, it just doesn't feel like it could be their home to the buyers and that is not going to get your home sold. Same concept with specialized collections. I have shown many homes where the buyers are looking at the owner's pictures and possessions more than they are the house. Then that house just never makes the "A" List as it has not made the most favorable impression on them. I see it all the time and wonder why the owner's agent didn't tell them to go ahead and pack them up, you're moving anyway! Believe me it does matter.
De-Colorize (or Let's Get Neutral)
I love color, but I love the colors I love, not the ones someone else loves! Does that make sense to you? Just because Purple is your choice, it might not be a potential buyer's choice. I know, they could paint, BUT.... why not take that out of the equation for them. If you have a strong color palette, a coat of neutral paint could get you a better offer and alot quicker. Same with extreme decor in any room. Neutral is far better! This is definitely an easy and cheap fix.So you see these are quick and easy, but can make a HUGE difference in the way your home is perceived by a potential buyer. We will address more tips and tricks on Selling Your Trinity Florida Home in part three of our series. So Stay Tuned!
The Simple Tips and Tricks To Selling Your Home
First In The Series:Selling Your Trinity Florida Home- Get Fixed Up To Sell
If you would like additional information on the real estate market in the Tampa Bay area, ( Free In Depth Current Market Analysis Of Your Home) and Trinity Florida, contact us Dick and Dixie Sells, Realtors , associated with Future Home Realty. Check out theTrinity Florida Community Information. Call us directly at 727-815-7800 anytime- Full Real Estate Services including Seller and Buyer Representation, Short Sales, Property Leasing & Management and Real Estate Consultation.Below is an interactive search for properties for sale. It is set to the area of Trinity Florida however you can change it to meet your needs. This is a partial selection of the full listings. Contact Dick and Dixie Sells, your Trinity Florida Realtors and Neighbors for additional information on selling your Trinity Florida Home.