The Allyn Community Association's Planning Committee is proposing a new sign ordinance for the Allyn UGA. There is currently a 6 page sign ordinance already adopted in the County UGA regulations for Allyn.
My question is "Why is the committee proposing, at this time, a more detailed, restrictive and over regulated code"?
Sign code discussions and revisions require thick skin, unusually high level of participation and a slow, thoughtful process. The fundamental error, in my opinion, of the Allyn process is the assumption that the sign ordinance is relevant today.
A restrictive sign code, now, will just hinder and hurt struggling business in an already difficult economic time.
It seems to me that the community would be better off offering assistance at keeping our streets, properties and businesses clean from junk and debris rather than to make small business owners follow a sign ordinance. Why not look at existing signs and then ask businesses and property owners to try and tidy them up.
Another question is "What's in the best interest of the town? Sign Codes? More Regulation, Rules and Restrictions"?
Perhaps what is best is for the community is to focus on providing better services, events and business opportunities to our visitors and residents. Why not be more active advocates for pedestrian walking areas i.e. sidewalks and trails. Keep an ongoing dialogue open with the State and County for better traffic calmness, road access and parking etc..
Business owners know how to build up a strong and vibrant business district. The Community needs to encourage and support local business not make it difficult to operate.
Now is not the time for a new updated sign code. A code, at this time, is an unnecessarily harsh burden on the business operators.
Why would we want adopt the "perfect sign ordinance" for such a small town? This ordinance was written for a City.
And why are we trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist?
Leave the sign code alone - for now.
Note: Allyn is a small community located in Mason County, Washington