I couldn't resist! I was browsing through my rather large list of free website resources that could be quite useful to real estate agents, and I just had to post a few more! Here's a short list with descriptions on what teh site is or does:
Hub Pages
Hub Pages allows you to create a free “Hub” or online page about anything you like. Why in the world would you want to do this? Simple… The Hub Pages community gets a lot of favor from Google and the search engines. Keep your articles targeted to your key-search-phrases and toggle your back-links up to get easy rankings.
A good Hub Page can funnel hundreds of fresh and targeted visitors to your website in a week. (My record is 900+ visitors in 4 days) Not bad for something that takes all of 10 minutes to setup, and can be recycled and used over and over again!
Create a network of Hubs to boost your website traffic on a monthly basis.
Weebly is another great find, similar to Hub Pages. You have more control over these pages, as you can turn these “hubs” into full blown websites. These are not intended to be your own primary websites of course, but imagine giving each prospect his/her own “website” complete with the address of the property, or their name within the URL?
Or you can make the domain (free, don’t have to register it as it’s a sub-domain) name search engine friendly and saturate with keywords! I’ve used this strategy in the past to land 8 of the 10 spaces on the front page of Google for a target keyword for nearly a full month. Best lead generating month I’ve ever had!
Similar to both Hub Pages and Weebly, Squidoo is a great way to get attention. With a strong "social" element to this site, you can join groups, network, and expand your horizons all while creating search engine friendly pages that rank well within Google.
Many will find Squidoo a bit more difficult to work with than say Weebly, or Hub Pages, but the user-base is hard to ignore! Check it out!
Need to edit images of a property? Photoshop, GIMP, and many other tools are certainly available for this. The problem? These things can take weeks to learn! Picasa is the recommended solution as it’s free, easy to use, and takes only minutes to get fired up!
Buyers are visual as you already know, so why not use this free tool to present your listings in the best light possible?
Do you have a guide, free report, ebook, or some sort of article that you like to distribute to prospects? Information is the best way to earn new prospects, as it starts your new relationship with the prospect off with a level of trust and credibility.
Scribd allows you to host your articles, ebooks, reports and more at their social sharing site. Upload, and within minutes you can create links, or even embed a copy of whatever document you have uploaded. So what’s the big deal? Well, Scribd gets millions of views per month as they offer a searchable database that operates similar to an article directory. So not only can you make your article searchable and available to millions of visitors, but you will also have a simple embed process to make the article available anywhere you like with a simple cut and past code.
It makes article sharing a snap. Remember, getting more exposure is always a good thing!
I stubled across this tool a while back from another real estate agent who was having a lot of luck using some of the free widgets available. What exactly can these widgets do for you? The School Finder Widget allows site visitors to search for school info, ratings, and detailed statistics based on area.
Why lure visitors off of your website if you can make the information available right from your site? Check it out!
That'll do it for today! While I likely won't have a list available tomorrow, I will be hosting a free webinar to review some valuable online marketing strategies. Here's how you can join me: