
How to make a payment to Taylor Bean & Whitaker - kalamazoo

Mortgage and Lending with AmeriFrist Home Mortgage NMLS # 130817

It's come to my attention that there are a number of people having problems with making a payment to TB&W.  I tracked down some info that should be helpfull


Follow this link for info on how to make your payment to TBW

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Leslie Helm
Tennessee Recreational Properties - Jamestown, TN
Real Estate For Trail Riders

Well, thanks, Jeremy. I usually download a PDF e-statement when Taylor, Bean emails me a monthly link. Needless to say, the link didn't work this month so I photocopied the last statement, whited out the dates etc. and sent the payment off. It feels like there's quicksand everywhere, with big guys and little guys falling fast.

Aug 20, 2009 07:49 AM
Jeremy Drobeck


You did the right thing!!  I had people telling me they were just going to not make any more payments untill the new servicer contacted them.  That would of couse destroy their credit.  Anyone in this sitiuation needs to keep paying.  Once I saw that letter I knew I need to pass it on.

Aug 20, 2009 07:52 AM