
FHA Home Mortgage Loans in San Diego - UFMIP

Mortgage and Lending with NMLS 291249

FHA Home Mortgage Loan in San Diego - UFMIPCraftsman Home

FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums (MIP)
FHA (Federal Housing Administration) charges Mortgage Insurance Premiums (MIP) to protect the lender in the event of default.  They are collected by the lender and then forwarded to FHA.

There are two types of MIP. charged on FHA loans.  Up Front Mortgage Insurance Premium (UFMIP) and Monthly Mortgage Insurance Premium MIP. 

Currently, UFMIP is a one-time charge, of 1.75% of the loan amount and is normally added to the base loan amount and financed by the borrower.  The base FHA loan is 96.50% of the purchase price so the resulting total loan to value (loan plus UFMIP) could be 98.25% of the purchase price.

Monthly MIP is paid monthly by the borrower to the lender.  The MIP payment is currently computed at 1.35% of the loan amount divided by 12. 

Can MIP be removed?

On loans closed previous to June 3, 2013 MIP could be cancelled after 5 years and when the Loan to Value decreased to 78% or less.  Currently, MIP cannot be cancelled on Loans closed on or after June 3, 2013 on loans with LTVs above 90%.  It can be cancelled after eleven years on loan to values 90% or less.

QuestionIs UFMIP Tax Deductable

Good news!  The President has extended the Mortgage Insurance Tax Deduction through 12/31/14!

Under code section 163(h)(3)(E), FHA mortgage insurance premiums are deductible. The premiums must be paid in conjunction with the purchase of your principle residence. It also must be paid on a FHA mortgage issued after December 31, 2006.  The deduction applies for 2007 through 2014.

If your adjusted gross income exceeds $100,000 the deductible premium is reduced by 10% of each $1,000 of adjusted gross income above the $100,000 to $109,000.  Mortgage Insurance is not tax deductible for borrowers with income in excess of $109,000.

If you financed FHA Up Front Mortgage Insurance Premium (UFMIP), you must determine the portion of the premium that pays for insurance for the tax year by dividing the total premium by the stated term (number of months) of your mortgage, or 84 months, whichever is less.

Multiply that amount by the number of months during the tax year that you had the FHA mortgage. Enter the amount allocated to the tax year in the worksheet for Schedule A, Line 13, to figure your deduction for the tax year.

If your mortgage is satisfied before the end of your tax year, you cannot deduct the amounts that are allocated to periods after the mortgage is satisfied.

If you paid cash for an up front premium for insurance provided by FHA, VA or Rural Housing, commonly known as a UFMIP, Funding Fee and guaranty fee respectively, no allocation is necessary, and you figure your deduction for the tax year based on the full amount of the payment. Enter the full amount in the worksheet for Schedule A, Line 13, to figure your deduction. 

This information was compiled from competent sources but I am not a qualified tax expert so Please verify this tax information with a licensed tax professional.

The Maximum FHA purchase Loan To Value (LTV) is 96.50% of the purchase price.

The Maximum FHA Refinance Loan to Value is 97.75 of the property value.

FHA Maximum Loan Amounts can vary in each county; currently the FHA maximum for San Diego County homes is $546,250 which covers the majority of San Diego homes.  In Los Angeles and Orange counties, the maximum FHA loan is $625,500.

FHA Credit Scores

FHA Does not have a Credit Score policy but lenders impose their own guidelines.  At the time this is revised (July 2014) many lenders have recently reduced their minimum FICO score to 620.  There are a few lenders that allow home buyers to have a credit scores down to 580 on a case-by-case basis.

August 2009 - FHA Home Mortage Loan in San Diego - UFMIP

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Patrick Randles
Nova Home Loans - Tucson, AZ

This is good info for consumers. Very few buyers are aware that Mortgage Insurance comes in two parts on an FHA mortgage. Occasionally, I get to review that portion of the estimate twice because it went over their heads the first time.

Aug 22, 2009 03:35 AM
Mike Jones
SUNSTREET MORTGAGE, LLC (BK-0907366, NMLS 145171) - Tucson, AZ
Mike Jones NMLS 223495


Patrick hit it right on the money with his comment.  Thanks for commenting on my blog; I've subscribed to yours.

Mike in Tucson

Aug 22, 2009 09:28 AM
Michael Bergin
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage - ABR - SRES - Alexandria, VA
Northern Virginia Real Estate

Bill -

Thanks for the information.  I always like hearing things straight from the experts.


Aug 23, 2009 03:14 AM

Thanks a lot for this information. Earier I was planning to add UFMIP one time charges into my loan amount but I would rather pay cash and get tax deduction as it is available only till 2010.

Question: As I am closing for home in end of Nov this year which means I don't have enough interest on mortgage payment to use itemize deduction and I have to use standard deduction.  Will I be able to use these charges this year with standard deduction? If not than I can use these charges in the next year's tax return even though I am purchasing house in in this year?

Nov 04, 2009 02:46 AM

hey Rohit,

  Did you get an answer to your question. I have the same question, Please let me know if you know the answer for this.



Feb 03, 2010 02:07 AM
Bill Ladewig - Escondido, CA
Experience Is Your Advantage

Rohit and Arun, my best advice would be for you to contact your tax professionals as I am not qualified to offer tax advice beyond the scope of the post.


Feb 03, 2010 03:47 AM

Thank you for adding this post on home mortgage loan.

Home mortgage loan

Jul 15, 2014 07:41 PM
Bill Ladewig

Mable, thank you for taking the time to comment.

Jul 16, 2014 02:03 AM
Les & Sarah Oswald
Realty One Group - Eastvale, CA
Broker, Realtor and Investor

Very informative post. It is always good to be informed of the latest changes and updates when it comes to FHA mortgage insurance premiums.

Jul 16, 2014 11:47 AM
Bill Ladewig

Hi Sarah, thanks for your comment.

Jul 16, 2014 03:01 PM


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