I've been in real estate for over 23 years; I've lost my excitement---I've lost my way.
That was my mindset with the real estate slowdown of 2008. This year, i tried to get over that malaise that had set in, and truthfully got ahead a bit, but not enough to say I have regained my enthusiasm for this business. I am looking for something that will lift me out of that "ho-hum" feeling. Any suggestions?
Blogging wasn't even on my mind; reading some of these new blogs, I see I got lost in the shuffle. Every blog seems to be about "short sales", HUD houses, foreclosures, etc. Aren't there some normal, owner-owned real estate being sold out there? Maybe I'm being naive, but I swear there are homes being sold that aren't in distress!
Please, someone must be selling good-honest-realpeople-housing! Share with me, my mind needs it.