
Lost in the Shuffle

Real Estate Agent with Coldwell Banker Wright Realty

I've been in real estate for over 23 years; I've lost my excitement---I've lost my way. 

That was my mindset with the real estate slowdown of 2008.  This year, i tried to get over that malaise that had set in, and truthfully got ahead a bit, but not enough to say I have regained my enthusiasm for this business.  I am looking for something that will lift me out of that "ho-hum" feeling.  Any suggestions?

Blogging wasn't even on my mind; reading some of these new blogs, I see I got lost in the shuffle.  Every blog seems to be about "short sales",  HUD houses, foreclosures, etc.  Aren't there some normal, owner-owned real estate being sold out there?  Maybe I'm being naive, but I swear there are homes being sold that aren't in distress!

Please, someone must be selling good-honest-realpeople-housing!  Share with me, my mind needs it.

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Ashley Sharum
972.978.3109 - Dallas, TX
Ebby Halliday Realtors

Wish I could share with you, Rose. Though my company lists REOs primarily, my excitement comes from successfully closing a first time Buyer.

Aug 25, 2009 01:52 AM
Jen Bowman
Keller Williams on the Water - Holmes Beach, FL
Realtor - Anna Maria Island & Bradenton FL

Most of my sales are short sales or foreclosures, so far this year they account for about 75% of my business. So obviously they are a big part of the market, but I had some that were just "traditional" sales too. Rose, we just need to adapt to the market. It's not going to adapt to us! :)

Aug 25, 2009 01:54 AM
Home Loan Search.Online
Home Loan Search Online - Newnan, GA

I get excited in helping people save money or purchase their dream home. 

Aug 25, 2009 02:00 AM
Carlos Lobato
Coldwell Banker RE LLC - Miami Lakes, FL

Hey Rose,

There are 'real sellers' out there, yet most of them are very reluctant to put their homes on the market right now.  These are people that need to sell for a menagerie of reasons; retirement, growing family, relocation, etc.  Today, many of them are choosing to wait for the market to rebound. Yet the turnaround that they're waiting for is unlikely to happen any time soon.  Unfortunately, a commonly held belief is that we will return to 2005-2006 price levels within a few years.  This will not happen.  Remember that these folks still need to sell, so it's up to us to educate them on how the market works and why they will not get the same premium that they could have gotten in 2005.  They will sell, and the agent that will get the that listing will be you, if you've been the one that's been providing straightforward unbaised education on a consistent basis whether it be through a newsletter, an email campaign, or your blog.  Forget about trying to make sales, and concentrate on delivering the message.  You are an educator before a salesperson.  And your value to your present and future clients lies in what you know.  Your business will come alive when you least expect it!  In the interest of keeping this short, I'll refer you to my blog; particularly the postings on 'predictable equilibrium' and 'the real real estate market' This concept really hits home with consumers that are willing to keep an open mind.

Aug 25, 2009 02:11 AM
William Collins
ERA Queen City Realty - Scotch Plains, NJ
Property and Asset Management


Thanks for the post. Unfortunately, the market is dominated by short sales and foreclosures. I have heard that we need to be positioned for a huge wave of more of the same, come first quarter 2010. I have developed a short sale division to help mortgagors move on with their lives and first time buyers realize their dream. Just yesterday, I was told by a distressed seller how relieved she was that my firm could help her. Being able to help is rewarding.

Aug 28, 2009 09:43 AM
Diana Hoyt

Rose, We are in the same kind of boat. We had to give up our franchise for lack of $$$ for the franchise fees, talk about loss of enthusiasm!  But - -  you have been in the business long enough to know that it WILL come back and create a new enthusiasm.  It seems that when times change, while it is in limbo (between the good prosperous times and the bad economic times), our enthusiasm gets stuck there also.  Besides, you have LOTS of people who love you in this business and would be devastated to see you leave it, so remember that your only purpose in this busines isn't just buyers and sellers.  It is also us - your REALTOR comrads and cronies to which you have made a HUGE contribution.  Not only professionally, but personally.  Keep the faith - your rose will blossom again and as in nature, some years the blossoms are more spectacular than others, but your rose will always bloom as long as it is nurtured.

Sep 02, 2009 03:01 AM
Balboa Real Estate San Diego, CA - San Diego, CA

Have had to get used to alot less income, but the silver lining is that I am still in the business. 50% of agents are out of business in my area.The market does what it has to do, but we need to adjust our thinking to stay afloat. You may want to consider a new niche which this market has created...go where the $$ are.

Feb 03, 2010 09:27 AM