

Real Estate Agent with United Country Westmark brokers LLC.

Confidence! Confidence! Confidence!


I recently wrote a blog on Believing in Yourself. Being confident in yourself is so important! I have recently

experienced this first hand. I have taken many courses and classes on what to do to be a successful Realtor and

how to do it. I had to learn that things I didn't like to do where exactly the things I needed to do. I have had a

hard time finding clients. I'm always talking to people and handing out cards, but I just wasn't finding people

who had a real estate need. I've worked as a buyers agent several times so I felt very comfortable with buyers.

But I had decided it was time to start getting listings. Something had to change, I just wasn't producing much

business by limiting myself to just buyers. But you see I was absolutely terrified of doing a listing presentation. I

was so scared that I never even tried to get the appointment. I knew that I had the skill, it was just lack of

experience holding me back. I decided to practice my presentation. I began to feel more and more confident,

but I still had the problem of finding a client interested in selling their home. I decided to go after For Sale By

Owners! I knew that here was a client who had a real estate need and with my skill I was confident that I could

sell their home. So I approached my first For Sale By Owner! I had all the Confidence in myself, I knew I had the

 skill even though I had never given a presentation and never had a listing. Confidence goes a long way,

because those For Sale By Owners saw how I confident I was. They began to feel confident in me as well. Can

you believe it? My confidence in myself inspired others to be confident in me as well! I got that listing! So my

advice is always be confident in yourself! If you do not have that confidence then get it! Take classes, research

 your area, talk to others and conquer your fears. There is no place in this business for fear. Confidence!

Confidence! Confidence! You can do it!

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Frank Rubi
Frank Rubi Real Estate, LLC - Metairie, LA
Great post. The thoughts are inspiring to say the least.
Jun 11, 2007 09:27 AM
Dale Baker
Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections - Claremont, NH
New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information

Howdy Lisa

Here is a 5 for your very fine and good reading post.

Have a good one

Aug 10, 2007 10:58 AM
Debbie DiFonzo
Debbie DiFonzo - United Country VIP Realty, SW Missouri - Lebanon, MO
Lebanon MO and Buffalo Missouri Real Estate

Great job Lisa! Keep us posted on how this listing goes - I would bet you'll find a buyer and take this FSBO to your closing table!

BTW, how long have you been an agent?

Aug 11, 2007 04:50 AM
Stephen C. Olczak
Mortgage Help - Fort Myers, FL
Lisa, well stated.  Practicing that presentation at the kitchen table with nobody sitting opposite you is a great exercise.  I practice my presentations at the head of a conference table especially when I have new material.  The first five or six times I stop often to make notes on what obvious questions will be and each time prepare an appropriate set of answers.  Once the real presentation begins you are so zoned into the material you sail through.
Aug 11, 2007 04:57 AM