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A country of such multiple languages can use a simple way to communicate with others.

working with biligual marketting I now have a way to reach out to spanish speaking people in their language and quikly navigate from spanish to english and biceversa.

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Brian Requarth
VivaReal - Santa Rosa, CA


I am part of the Bilingual Marketing Group, the company that designed your website. I just noticed that are coming up in google for the keywords "casas en temecula" and bienes "raices en temecula". Here is a little tip for you to improve your placement. I recommend that you write on or two more blogs and add a link to the link section (the right hand part of your blog under your photo). Make sure that you add the link text with a keyword phrase like "bienes raices en riverside" or "casas en riverside". Tambien, si te interesa, te puedo poner en contacto con Carlos Herrera y te puede asesor para que dirigas más trafico a tu website.

Mucha suerte!

Nov 15, 2007 01:39 PM