
I Held a Realtor Open House

Real Estate Agent with 1st Choice Realty Group

...and it was a lot of work!  I have to say after a day of preparing cakes, brownies, pasta salad, etc., and packing it carefully, getting it to the Open House, setting up, serving, greeting fellow agents, showing the home, cleaning and packing it all back up and getting home to unpack it all again, that YES it was a lot of work.  

Would I do it again? Yep!

I know I could have had served already prepared foods but I like preparing for get togethers.  The hauling it around is the real work. Fortunately, my homeowner, bless her heart, even though she's having a rough week, still had the home clean and spotless.  She had the hardest job! 

I am also lucky to have joined a group of great agents who love to eat (haha), no really they all participate and support each other.  I love that about these guys.  I enjoy real estate but this group makes it soooo much more enjoyable.  Thanks to my office agent buddies for showing up and to the other agents I invited who came, thank you too! 

Now, hopefully the word is spreading and a Buyer will soon come see this pretty home and have to have it. 

Well, let me get the left overs packed up to take to the office for office munchies.  They're gonna love me! 



Posted by

Cindy Eanes, Realtor®, E-Pro, SFR, ASP

Licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia

First Time Home Buyers & Relocation Specialist -

"Let's Get You Moving!"

First Choice Realty Group, LLC.


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Dick and Dixie Sells
Sells Real Estate, LLC - Trinity, FL
Realtors, Tampa Bay Florida Homes For Sale

Great Job! We call them Broker Opens in our area. In fact, going to one, I found the perfect home for a buyer, sold it to them, sold it for them, sold them another one, and sold their son a home! Believe me, they do work!

Aug 27, 2009 09:16 AM
Holly Weatherwax
Associate Broker, Momentum Realty - Reston, VA
A Great Real Estate Experience

We call them Broker Opens, too. They almost exclusively take place on Tuesday at noon to coincide with the time when most offices hold sales meetings.  It is a great way to get feedback and spread the word about your great listing.

Congratulations on a job well done!

Aug 27, 2009 09:23 AM
Jim Palmer
Chipola Realty - Chipley Office (850) 638-2777 - Sunny Hills, FL
Washington County, Florida

I would rather hold a Realtor(c) open than a open house..The open house may bring one buyer...but the Realtors((c) generally have several buyers in their pocket.

Aug 27, 2009 01:26 PM
Cindy Eanes
1st Choice Realty Group - Chesterfield, VA
Realtor - e-PRO, SFR, ASP

Dick and Dixie that's awesome!  I guess you'll are true believers in Broker Opens!

Holly, thank you.  I like how you have a set day to hold them.  We actually call them Broker/Agent Luncheons sometimes too.  I agree it is a great way to spread the word.

Jim, You are sooo right!  Thanks for commenting.


Aug 28, 2009 05:15 AM
Troy Erickson AZ Realtor (602) 295-6807
HomeSmart - Chandler, AZ
Your Chandler, Ahwatukee, and East Valley Realtor

Cindy - Wish I was part of your group, as all this food looks really good.  I think if I were in your real estate group, I would be a lot heavier than I am now.  It's always nice to be on good terms with the agents you are sure to work with when completing transactions.

Sep 04, 2009 07:55 PM
Cindy Eanes
1st Choice Realty Group - Chesterfield, VA
Realtor - e-PRO, SFR, ASP

Thanks Troy.  You are so right.  Being friends with other agents is a must.  I'm lucky to have found a nice group of agents to be associated with.  They work hard but also know how to laugh!


Sep 07, 2009 04:24 PM