We are moving!!! Those three words can strike terror in the hearts of even the most organized and calm people. Especially when there are only two and a half weeks to plan and execute the move. It started in the middle of May with a career change for my husband. He had an opportunity in the Sacramento, CA area that just couldn’t be turned down. So, we decided to split the household for the summer. It worked for a little while, but by mid July, he was tired of the plane commute and we all missed each other. Sooooo, here comes the fun part. 1) Put the house up for lease (easy to do on line) 2) Get estimates for movers (I refuse to move over 300 miles in a U-Haul) 3) Find boxes, sort belongings, hold moving sale, pack, find housing in new area, etc., etc., etc. I am now an expert on moving logistics and would like to share my checklist with all those new homeowners, both buyers and sellers to make the transition a little easier. Especially if children are involved. At time of Move Decision 1) Research area moving to and determine if buying or renting to start 2) List all services that need to be discontinued in old neighborhood and restarted in new one a. Gas b. Electric c. Water d. Sewage e. Trash f. Cable/Television services g. Telephone 3) Locate school district and register children. a. See if orientation or school tours are available to make transition easier 4) Search for moving company or truck rentals for move a. Get estimates and compare 2 weeks prior to move 1) Sort all items in household for packing, selling, giving away 2) Purchase or find boxes for packing a. Make sure you label by room and contents, easier for unpacking b. Pack one room at a time for efficiency c. Most movers provide wardrobe boxes for free, pack clothes last 3) Schedule moving sale for weekend prior to move. a. Remember, pricing is important, price to sell easily and be ready to bargain b. Clean any items for sale that need it 4) Contact charity group to pick up any items being given away or that don’t sell a. Goodwill b. Salvation Army c. ARC d. Disable Veterans of America e. Some Boy Scout Troops and other community groups and churches need items for rummage sales as well Week before move 1) Advertise moving sale in local paper, on line and with neighborhood flyers 2) Call all utilities and set up termination dates 3) Set up forwarding address with post office a. You can do this online at www.usps.com 4) Stage all boxes to be moved in one or two main rooms or garage for ease of loading 5) Continue packing 6) Hold moving sale weekend just before move 7) Check with vet for any preparations needed to make the move easy for pets Day of move 1) Put all animals in a secure place in the house a. Cats should be put in an empty room with food, water, litter box Include the cat carrier in the same room so the cat can’t escape b. Dogs can be in the same room if the animals get along or secured in the yard or other empty room 2) Coordinate with the movers which boxes need to be placed in the house first a. Bedrooms are always the most important to unpack as you would like a place to sleep that first night 3) After all furniture and boxes are moved, do one last search through the house and garage to make sure that all items needed are on the truck 4) If charities have not picked up unwanted items, have it scheduled for moving day a. Place all unwanted items in the driveway for pick up 5) Make sure trash cans will be placed on the curb for weekly pick up a. Ask a friend or neighbor to put trash out for last pick up and put them back Day after move Enjoy your new home and unpacking. Make sure you take some time out during the chaos to explore your new neighborhood and make friends. Also, try to get the kitchen put together quickly, home cooked meals are always better for you then takeout and you will feel at home faster. Enjoy your new HOME!!! Barbara Singleterry Barbara Singleterry REALTOR® Keller Williams Realty Roseville, CA 916-865-7549 cell 916-676-8525 fax