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Black Forest, Colorado

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SchwarzwaldMost people, when they think of the Black Forest, think of the Schwarzwald region in southern Germany. They envision dense forests, cuckoo clocks, colorful traditional costumes, and of course mountain scenery.

We actually have a Black Forest, right here in Colorado, at the northern part of Colorado Springs. Although you won't find the same things that you would find in Germany, there are still some similarities.

Black Forest road sign



We're heading east on Shoup Road, and we're almost there. Where is the forest, and the rolling hills? This doesn't look like the Schwarzwald?




Welcome to Black Forest



Welcome To Black Forest. This is more like it. It's starting to look like the Black Forest that we imagined, as we enter into that part that is heavily wooded.






Black Forest, Colorado






Just as in Germany, the Black Forest here in Colorado is characterized by stark contrasts: dense forests, open grasslands, rolling hills, and mountains.

Black Forest description

You can learn a lot about Black Forest from this sign that is situated on Black Forest Road and Shoup Road.

Black Forest Store




This is the Black Forest Store. Just about everything centers on this part of town, near the intersection of Black Forest Road and Shoup Road.




cows in the pasture



This too is what you might expect to find in a town that calls itself Black Forest: cows basking in the sun on a warm spring day in June, with the mountains in the background. As you can see, the Black Forest is not just dense forest, but also there is a lot of open grassland.





The Black Forest in Colorado has more than just cows. There are also Alpacas, such as the one you see here farther down Black Forest Road, at the intersection of Hardin Road. 

This Alpaca was facing me. But as I was about to click the shutter and take a picture, it turned around. Aparently this is her best side and she wanted to look just right for the camera.




 Black Forest - Mountains 


A farmhouse on Black Forest Road, with the majestic Rocky Mountains in the background. Not the Alps, but just as beautiful.






Another view of Black Forest, along Black Forest Road heading south.



Black Forest contrasts 

This is Black Forest, Colorado. A region north of Colorado Springs. A land of beauty and contrasts.

Auf Wiedersehen.


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