For the past week I’ve had a houseguest. My dad is visiting me from sunny Naples Florida. It's been a huge struggle to keep up with my work schedule and spend quality time with my dad. Still not sure how mommy Realtors do it! (No offence gentlemen). Did I also mention that I’ve been finishing my ePro course this week? Needless to say, it has been a very busy week.
Today I was able to spend the afternoon with my dad. He's been mocking me in a "very parental" way all week about the amount of time I spend at the computer. Not to mention the phone. I may have the phone to my ear as much as Geri Sonkin! In my defense, I've been online more than usual this week with ePro…. OK, AR TOO! Between the calls, the email alerts and the text messages, I think it is safe to say that my dad HATES my phone.
My dad took me to lunch today to discuss the happenings with my business and the local market. He loves to give me advice on my business. I admit, I can find it a tad bit annoying. However, I participate in the conversation because I can usually find a nugget of wisdom.
During my “lunch meeting” I explained that I've been building my 2007 business plan. I told him about AR and all the wonderful things that I’ve learned. I told him about ePro (Sorry Tomato). I gave him a full rundown of my plan.
My dad was patient, listening to all that I was saying. I could tell that he understood me. He was smiling, nodding. You know, all the validation one could hope for. After I stopped talking he looked at me and said: “stop talking, start doing”.
I love it. I love everything about it! Sometimes we become so obsessed about learning about our craft, we forget to do our craft. We can tell new agents all the things that they should do to jumpstart their careers. Yet, we fail to do those things. We become practitioners of “do as I say, not as I do”. Not good for those of us who desire career success
So what does this mean for me?
It means that I'm going to leave well enough alone and get back to doing what I do well… That’s networking. I'm going to stop fussing about this darn website I need. I’m just going to get it done. And allow myself to be OK with that for the time being. It’s a start, and it can be modified along the way. I’m going to stop thinking about all the “out of the box” marketing ideas I have. I’m going to start trying them out.
So Dad, I thank you. Thank you for the nice visit… and thank you for kicking me in the butt!
So in homage to TLW (I'm stealing your "lesson learned"):
Lesson learned… Knowledge is great. Learning is crucial for growth. But what you do with that knowledge is most important.
Sorry the photo is so grainy. Just took it quickly before Dad went to bed. Boy do I look tired!