
Be Creative - Some Alternative Cash Flow Strategies

Commercial Real Estate Agent with Sperry Van Ness

In today's market, commercial and investment real estate can be used for creating additional cash flow.  Be creative.  It may help to watch this short 2 minute video for some very creative ideas.  Creative Real Estate Cash Flow Strategies!  Feel free to call us regarding these and many other strategies!  Visit Robert Pliska and his website.

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Brian W. Nichols
OWNER/Exit Realty Metro Dallas - Dallas, TX

Now is the time to buy land if you have a creative means of carrying it. I've been in the business 28 years and the best money I have made in Real Estate has come from tracts of unzoned raw land held for the next investor or the developer who takes the property to a higher and better use.   Brian W. Nichols

Sep 07, 2009 02:14 PM
Robert Pliska

Key, as you say, "if you have a creative means of carrying it".  Land should probably be in path of development to insure that it will be developed and/or used fairly quickly.  Otherwise, carrying costs like taxes, interest, etc. may become a burden.

Sep 07, 2009 11:51 PM