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Our title insurance rates are regulated by the sale price of the property in Texas. So it will be the same everywhere for title insurance. Fees by lender and attorneys may be different, but title insurance will be the same across the board. It used to be that way when I sold real estate and worked for a real estate attorney in Florida. Did they change this rule? Are title insurance rates different with different companies now?
Title Insurance Rate is the same across the board.
Test an address as a buyer and a seller. Check out the results. Pretty cool gadget.
Visit the site and test an address as a buyer and a seller. See how it works.
Ok Arleen,
I'm going to check this out and see how it works. I received in a contract this afternoon and I'm going to run the numbers through. I'll be interested in the results. Thank you for the link.
Well, the program seems good, but it didn't work for me. They didn't have the right information in the title insurance area. For a $100,000 sales price, they had in there that the title insurance policy would only be $421.85, unfortunately, for a title insurance policy in Texas at $100,000 it is $843. It also charged the seller for a year's worth of homeowner's insurance. These were things that it would not let me change. Our MLS has a financing section that does the same thing. It provides us with a seller's net sheet as well. It was neat to try though. Thank you for the link.
Appreciate your comments. Interesting that you mentioned the homeowner's insurance charging the seller. It did the same for me. It also included a full year of property taxes. It did not prorate the real estate taxes up to the day of closing.
This site may end up being more of a problem then it's worth. Especially for the newbies in the business that may not pickup on those things.
It's a neat program, but would be much nicer if it was 100% accurate or at least, allow you to make changes on the report.
I think I will contact the company to let them know that the final figures are not 100% accurate.
Thanks again.
ARleen: that helps!...of course once they are serious about buying a home one may have to shop around for the best rates for insurance and the like but still that rocks.