Does this relate to Real Estate?? Does health-care reform? Maybe not directly, but indirectly. HEALTH relates to EVERYONE and EVERY profession, including our ability to do our job properly and our children's ability to attend school and learn efficiently...
In our office we were discussing today about the state of our society due to our diet. Here in Batesville, we have almost every fast-food restaurant known to man. We have convenience, but we don't have our HEALTH!
With the SAD (or Standard American Diet), every family is now afflicted
with blood sugar problems. Just look at the 5 Stages of Diabetes.
Be sure to check the solution to the problem from Carmel Aaron, Wellness Coach.
This one is also very helpful.
Here's To Normal Blood Sugar Levels
If you are afflicted with insulin resistance, hyperinsulinism, Type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes or syndrome X, please do keep reading.
We will discuss diabetes stastistics, the 5 stages of diabetes, and the subject: Can you die from diabetes?
This lens will help you recognize what foods cause diabetes, and which foods
help control your blood sugar levels.
In addition, there are activities to help you normalize or balance your blood sugar readings.
Welcome to this lens. I hope you find the exact information here that you need.
You and those you love are worth the time and effort to have normal blood sugar.
For the Rest of the Story:
Best Wishes,