
Improve customer service while in the field

Real Estate Appraiser with Fariss Appraisal Services

I've written about the advantages of being mobile and using the latest technology in the past. Now I've come across a great application for the Apple iPhone: LogMeIn Ignition. 

Much like Go To My PC, PC Anywhere, and several other remote computer control programs, LogMeIn allows you to log in to an account from any computer on the web to control your computer back at the office or home. The advantage of this program is that LogMeIn Ignition for iPhone allows you to do so from your iPhone, so you can access your remote computer from anywhere you can get a data connection for your iPhone. And, it works with computers using multiple screens too. 

Out in the field and you get that request to resend a file? Just open the application on your iPhone, take control of your computer and resend that file in an instant. No more waiting till you get back to the office.

Is that great customer service or what?

I've already used this program to finish up an inspection and send a report to a client from the field. this will be an often used program to give me that edge over other appraisers.

And, there is other software soon to be released for the iPhone for appraiser that will give an even greater edge to those who adopt the platform.

If interested, check out LogMeIn.

The Bakersfield Appraiser

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Sandy McKee
Sunstreet Mortgage - Tucson, AZ

I use this now at home and love it. Technology is great!!

Sep 02, 2009 03:24 PM
Douglas Fischer
East Oahu Realty - Selling Honolulu, Hawaii Condos - Honolulu, HI

I reluctantly allowed an Apple salesperson to sell me this software when I purchased my second iPhone.  I'm so glad I did!  It's great.

Sep 03, 2009 07:31 AM
Jesse Skolkin
Independent New York State Certified Real Estate Appraiser - Fresh Meadows, NY


When I hear about applications like this one (as a paranoid New Yorker) I always tend to think about the security issues this can raise. 

Sep 07, 2009 05:44 AM
Mike Lay
Appraisal House Texas - Austin, TX


I've been using Logmein for a few years, carrying my laptop with me on the road so I could pull over anywhere, log onto my server at the office, and do what needed to be done.  I just got an iPhone two weeks ago and that was the first app I downloaded.  It is well worth the $30 - I don't even take my laptop anymore. 

Sep 10, 2009 02:15 PM