
Living in Pinehurst - Free and Fun Things To Do

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Towering Pines Real Estate

I'm reluctant to start a "theme" of blog topics, but it occurred to me that if you were to ask some people, What is Pinehurst all about?, many would say, "It's that golf resort set next to a cute village, with some small towns nearby." 

Strictly speaking, they would not be totally inaccurate, but, boy, would they be missing a lot!

Last Sunday, I stopped by the Pinehurst Harness Track.  This beautiful facility is located immediately adjacent to and across the street from Pinehurst Country Club and Resort.  The original 56 acre track complex is the oldest continuously operating equine sports facility in North Carolina. 

On this particular Sunday, the grounds were filled with participants in the PSJ Hunter/Jumper Show.  This event featured different age-group riders, from novice to experienced, in judged competition on everything from basic equestrian skills to show jumping.  The sounds (and smells) instantly reminded me of my younger years when I spent a fair amount of time learning how to do what these young people were now doing.  The setting was magnificent, the weather was beautiful, and, perhaps best of all, admission was free. 

I was born and raised in Charlotte, NC, and spent virtually all of my adult life there.  I was sure that I would always live in a large city because I wanted, among other things, a variety of things to do.  In a few short months of living here in Pinehurst, I'm convinced that if you can't find something fun to do here, you're just not looking.

This area has such a variety of music, dining, sports, festivals, arts, nature, and a host of other pursuits, enough to keep anyone busy and/or entertained for a lifetime.  The golf is incredible, to be sure, but life here is so much more than that.  You should come check it out for yourself.

Here.  In Pinehurst.  Where It's All About You.