Only 60 days ago about a dozen volunteers with the assistance of one intern put together the largest FREE conference for Real Estate Agents ever in history in the Pacific Northwest! There are over 600 people registered for Real Estate BarCamp that had absolutely NO marketing budget. Not a single flyer was printed. There was no paid print advertising. No online advertising was produced. The registration climbed daily because of blogs, twitter, facebook, and emails. It is absolutely mind boggling.
During the fall of 1999 every news headline focused on the fears associated with Y2K. We thought our computers would fail, the banks would close, the stock market would crash and the entire communication and transportation system would collapse. Instead, as that crystal ball fell in Times Square, Social media and Web 2.0 came over the horizon. Social media is here to stay and will drastically change the way you market you business, communicate with prospects, and be on top of the market. Almost everything that will be discussed at RE BarCamp will be new technology in the past decade... and most in the past 3 years. The speakers are you peers that will step up to the desk and say, "yes, I want to run a break out session!"
There is no way to know everything. At this conference you might even be overwhelmed and wonder, "Where do I start?" But, you need to get on the train before you are left behind at the station with the other real estate agents that want to do business the "old" way. And, to top it all off, almost everything you will learn about building your business will be free or with only a limited investment. Marketing has changed. Remember, the reason you are registered is because of social networking... blogs, twitter, facebook, and emails! How can you use this medium to build your business?
Real Estate BarCamp is brought to you by a handful of sponsors. They make it possible for you to attend the largest conference ever organized in Seattle for agents strictly on social media. The sponsors are there to help you move toward your goal of building your business as we come out of the economic downturn. They are at the event to support your education. Make sure you let them know you are grateful!
Plan your parking strategy before you leave the garage. Bring a box of business cards because the prize drawings are fantastic!!!! Here's the link.
See you there,
Natalie Danielson
Check out the video on my website.