That cell phone that you hold on to all day long is your connection to the world. And, yet, many of us are not using it most effectively. That phone is so important to your business and your relationship with your friends and family.
First of all, it needs to be updated at least every two years. Soe people actually brag about having the same phone for years. HELLO! The technology changes with every breath we take. You will have farther reach, fewer dropped calls and better features on each phone. So know that when you pull out that antique phone you might be proud of, it is not imnpressive to those around you. The cost of your phone is not the equipment, it is the minutes.
Secondly, your phone needs to have all your contacts entered into its own database. If you are looking up a phone number from a scratch piece of paper or an address book, you are wasting valuable time!
Next, you need to be able to use the texting feature on the phone. If I want to get ahold of my kids, I can call them and hope they answer or call back. But, if I text a message to them I get an immediate response. They are considered Generation Y or the babies of baby boomers or the millennials, the generation next or whatever name you call them. If you have a kid, grandkid, or a first time buyer between 13 and 30, then you might already know this! They want to use the text feature to communicate! Now before you start to compalin that they can't communicate, I beg to differ. But, that is a whole new post on that generation!
Fourth, your phone needs to be able to take photos. Not only for safety sake but also for marketing. If you see a potental property for a prospect, whip out that little phone and snap a photo. Thos photos can also be forwarded to other cell phones or emailed (see next paragraph!)
Fifth on my list to have a current cell phone is that it MUST have access to the internet. I admit it, I didn't get internet capabilities until last spring. That changed my life. I had no idea how many times I was running to the office or home to check my email. I just didn't realize how often I did that until I stopped!
In the future you won't be texting or calling in the traditional way. We will hit on someones name and the call will go through. They will answer and it will be a video. Ok.. make sure you are careful about what you are wearing or what is in the background. Imagine, video calls all the time!
If you are fairly techie, you might be syncing your phone with your computer connecting it to your database and outlook. I know, here I am chatting on about new technology, and I don't do that yet. I love my iphone and I am still learning how to make the best use of it. I know that it doesn't work with many of the real estate lock boxes. But, there are so many phones to choose from. Don't get overwhelmed. Someone, most likely a Generation Y salesperson, will point you in the right direction.
The cost of a cell phone is not the equipment. The cost is the plan and the minutes. I check mine and change it pretty frequently. The next highest cost is losing equipment. Have you dropped that cell phone in places you don't want to retrieve it? Hmmmm.
When my friend bragged about having the same phone for years, it inspired me to encourage you to take a look at what you are holding in YOUR hand.
Natalie Danielson
Washington State Real Estate Continuing Education..