"Spending to Sell" An Article Every Seller Should Read
Tom Burland www.Ct-Shore-Homes.com
Saturday's New York Times did all real estate agents a huge favor, they wrote an article that lays out the current "Buyers Market" for our clients. It points out that the houses/condos/co-ops that are selling are those that combine great price, great location and turn-key sale. Those sellers understand the market, in today's market you need to be priced right (at or below the level of comparable homes that SOLD - not those sitting on the market) and need to be ready to move in with no updates needed.
Link to Article http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/06/realestate/06cov.html?scp=1&sq=spending%20to%20sell&st=cse
A great read for everyone, and very good collateral for Agents to include in their listing presentations and market reviews for their existing seller clients.