Bugged off! Fuming mad! Over what, I hear you ask? To have or not have Termites is the question...
I live in Florida, we have termites, like we have hurricanes, part of the bundle of joys of living in the sunshine state. We have seasons, spring, summer, TERMITE, hurricane and winter.
I don't have termites, at least I don't think so. But, I know the previous owner had treated for termites, so I know there is a history and as a precaution it is good to stay ahead of these monsters, so I decided to call a professional.
First I called Truly Nolen and met with a charming inspector that actually ironed a shirt for me! He said I didn't have termites in my house and maybe in my garage, but as a precaution I could do a preventative treatment for Drywood termites with the injections for $1175. He told me you couldn't really prevent Drywood only kill them, but if there were any around that would kill them. I could however, prevent Subterranean Termites for $1,105 and I definitely didn't have them.
Hmmm, a lot of money...so I called Orkin for a second opinion. That charming inspector told me that he didn't really see an sign of them, but there was evidence in the Attic from before and the best thing to do to be sure was to tent the house. Which would mean killing all my lovely vines that creep up the house, paying lots of money and moving out for 2 days. He said the injections don't really work as if you miss a spot, wham bamm! You are in trouble. And all for the special discounted price of $1652!
Hmmm, so unsure, I decided to call a third company, Guarantee Floridian. This charming inspector showed up, and said there is no evidence of any LIVE TERMITES, but that it is swarming season and if they are present, I will see them or their little wings especially over the next two months. He told me to keep an eye out and call him at the end of August and he would be happy to have a look again in my attic.
So, the moral of my story...3 inspections later, 3 wasted Saturday mornings, I am a happy, richer, termite free home owner with lush creeping vines.
2nd or 3rd opinions are usually always a good idea.