
Morris Area Deli/Convenience/Liquor Store Plus Land & Apartment

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Destiny Realty Inc

Unbelievable opportunity to OWN, SELL, RENT, and BUILD all in 1 transaction! You can OWN this Deli/ Convenience/ Liquor Store; SELL goods, product and food; collect RENT from the upstairs apartment and BUILD a multi-family property on adjecent lot included in sale.

Property being offered at $800k

Call Donnell Williams at 973-984-8500 x201 or 973-223-9967 for more information.


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nadir younan

need more info

Sep 27, 2009 01:39 PM
Dolores "Dee" Mauriello
Keller Willaims - Wayne, NJ
Realtor, Homes For Sale Wayne NJ

Donnell, is this property still available? Fyi I just listed a  Bagel and Deli in Hillside N.J. The only one in town doing excellant business. (No real estate involved).

Nov 20, 2009 01:24 AM

Yes, available and waiting for a buyer or partner. Property can be subdivided leaving one parcel for multi-family construction and leaving one parcel as the existing commercial building.

Nov 26, 2009 01:14 PM