
Personal Logo's Set You Apart From The Crowd

Real Estate Agent with Jay Kinder Home Selling Team

Anyone can work for a real estate company and have the same old cookie cutter business cards, letterheads or just an indentity all together. But what if you could set yourtself apart from everyone else? In this day and age there are hundreds of thousands of realtors out there, so having your own personal logo along side your company is crucial. A personal logo sets you apart from other realtors across the nation and will give you that unique edge that people will remember you by.

We here at Imagink Design Solutions believe in completely custom one-off designs at an honest price. Our rates are much lower than most other compeditors and our work is completely unique. We are offering logo & identity services to all real estate agents at half price this month! If you take advantage of this offer, we will design your perosonal Logo, Business Cards, Letterheads and/or Evelopes for 50% of the normal price and you will also be entered into a drawing to recieve that personal logo for FREE. The drawing will end on July 13, 2007 at  12PM CST. Hurry up and jump on the train, it won't last long!

Imagink Design Solutions uses NO TEMPLETES. All designs are completely custom and 100% unique.

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Coach KC™
Prosperitor LLC dba Secured Futures - Baldwin, NY
Marketing • Productivity • Revenue • Development

I agree agents need to stand out from the crowded field in a very positive way. Your post was over 2 years ago, yet most real estate agents are still not getting it. The attrition rate in this profession is through the roof and still there doesn't seem to be a major realization that something is deathly wrong. It's time to get away from the old ineffective, inefficient ways of yesteryear and step into the 21st century. It's not complicated, it just requires a marketing plan, a marketing system, some thought, willingness to work, and accountability. "Thinkers Wanted!"(sm)

Coach K.C.

"Making the Star in You Shine More Brilliantly!"(sm)


Sep 18, 2009 08:29 AM