I just came from the last Reno Aces game of the season. For those who are not aware, this was the inaugural season for AAA baseball in the Reno area. Not only did they build a beautiful park, but the team actually ended the year with a winning record!!
Truthfully, that part probably did not matter much, it has been a pleasure to sit in my season ticket seats through out the season. Nothing better than baseball on a nice Northern Nevada evening. But the ballpark and the excitement it has created in downtown Reno, has really brought hope to a very gloomy year here in the area. Unemployment, The Housing Market and the terrible economy, have been hard hit in the area, a little bit of nostalgia, and some very good baseball, where just what the doctor ordered, to bring life and more importantly, something good to talk about around the water cooler. Boy, I can't wait til next spring!!