
What is a Virtual Assistant and how can they help me and my business?

Services for Real Estate Pros with MyEssistant

I have received this question a number of times here on AR.... the below should be able to help better understand this relatively new profession and how it can fit into your business model.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions.  Have a great night everyone!

Virtual Assistants (VAs) are independent entrepreneurs providing professional administrative, creative, managerial, technical, business office and/or personal support services. Virtual office assistants use the most advanced means of communication, and the newest and most efficient and time saving office products and work delivery, regardless of geographic boundaries. Virtual Assistants work from their own offices, on a contractual basis, and abide by an established Code of Ethics requiring integrity, honesty and due diligence.

View a report from MSNBC on Virtual Assistants:

A REAL ESTATE VIRTUAL ASSISTANT (REVA) provides their clients with extensive training and experience specific to the Real Estate industry.  They have an understanding of not only general administrative tasks but also of the technicalities of real estate transactions, marketing and client farming & relationship building.  It is their job to stay on top of the newest technology available to the industry and to assist in their client's success!

There are a number of well qualified VA's here on AR - and groups created simply to field requests for VA's from Real Estate Agents.  Be sure to check them all out!

Have a great night!


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Blue Ridge Ga Real Estate >> Real Property in Blue Ridge Georgia
United Country Landmasters - Ellijay, GA
What does a typical VA get paid.   Are they paid the hour or a set fee?    
Jun 13, 2007 03:18 PM
My Essistant
MyEssistant - Santa Monica, CA

Good Question.

Of course - there is no black & white answer.  LOL.  Depending on the specialities of the VA - their prices can vary.  Most range from 30.00 - 50.00 an hour and offer deep discounts if their clients purchase retainers.  For some tasks (if you have a simple task or two you need assistance with) - special quotes and considerations can be given!  One of the most important things a VA can bring to the table is flexibility.  We are here to assist in building YOUR business - and right down to our rates and fees - we have to be cognisant of that!

Jun 13, 2007 03:34 PM
Sam Thompson
BIC Services, LLC - Florence, SC
Personal Digital Marketing

This is something that I have never thought of before.  This can be a great way to 'outsource' parts of your job to someone that might be 'burned out' from the industry and who is very knowledgeable and looking for some part-time work.  The trick is in figuring out what tasks to give them and how to pay them. 

Sam Thompson, PHH Mortgage Advisor 

Jun 13, 2007 05:00 PM
JudyAnn Lorenz
Bar JD Communications - Mansfield, MO
Virtual Marketing Consultant

Sam, I take US Dollars ;) It is a great way to break off segments of your work that someone else could do. Virtual Assistant is french for Outsource.  Most VAs don't charge a client for that first brainstorming session to see which tasks are going to be handed off.  Because, while we diligently guard clients' confidentiality, we all TALK about other things such as varied skills, if you need it done, either the VA you call can do it or she knows someone who can.   Many of us are developing teams to cover more specific skills and task needs.

You are SO right about someone with knowledge of the field who wants to move into a different approach.  Maybe parttime, maybe parttime to YOU and parttime to someone else until there is full time.  Some of us want temp/parttime work, others are absolute nut cases about working as much as we can.

When an onsite employee is hired, there are the cost factors that Crystal wrote about in another post.  Plus, it is difficult to find someone dedicated and competitent who is willing to drive to your office for a few hours a week.  By the time you find so many tasks the VA is working for you like a full time person, you are so attached to the concept that you won't mind. 

Maybe some weeks you need someone MANY hours, but not so many the next week.  A VA can give you some of that flexibility.

I may have hourly rates, but I track my time in minutes.  If I work for a client 1 hour during a day or 1/2 hour, that is all that client is billed for. 


Jun 15, 2007 12:46 PM
My Essistant
MyEssistant - Santa Monica, CA

Further to JudyAnn's thorough response .... I believe most VA's also have checklists of certain tasks that they are excellent at - and you can pick and chose which you would be willing to delegate.  It all comes down to control and how much of it you are willing to give up.  As JudyAnn mentioned ... a VA should walk you through the delegation process and also offer one hour free "training & brainstorming" session with them. 

I have some clients that give up as little control as possible and only delegate the tasks that do not affect their day to day business operations (drip email campaign follow-up, etc) while I have others that really just want to be out in the field as often as possible and want to touch their computer as little as possible (but they still understand the importance of getting all those administrative tasks done). 

The best way I can explain my services (and I offer services to both Real Estate Agents AND Mortgage Brokers) is how Crystal put it in her post:  "  Real Estate Virtual Assistants are to Real Estate Agents (and Mortage Brokers) as Real Estate Agents are to FSBO's!".  I thought that was great - as it really sums it up...

Jun 15, 2007 12:58 PM
Gwendolyn Wrigh
Victory Virtual Solutions - Beaufort, SC
Victory Virtual Solutions

Good job Deidre!

Jun 29, 2007 02:35 PM