
Building Your Nest

Real Estate Agent with Arbor Associates Real Estate Inc.



Bluebirds use our help for houses.  There are floor plans available for the ideal bluebird house that detail the best diameter of the entrance hole and explain why it should be constructed from cedar material.  You should also put the bluebird boxes in the best habitat and install them as soon as possible so that they can use the house year round.  Bluebirds welcome our manmade boxes.

 A REALTOR® can help you build or select your manmade home.  In Arbor Springs Plantation we offer custom home sites that give you the choice to work with your builder to design the best floor plan and to construct it from the best materials.  With the variety of lots that are available in our community, you can select the right lot that will fit your needs... on the golf course or on the lake.

When you make your nest, make sure you place it in the best habitat in Coweta County.....Arbor Springs Plantation!