
Poor Drainage System

Home Inspector with Closer Look Property Inspections Inc. 16000004785

Very often when performing a home inspection on the exterior of a property, I come across a poorly maintained drainage system from the gutters, downspouts and extensions. So today it was no different. At this inspection there were no extensions on the rear and side of the house, and to make the condition worse the grading slopes toward the house in some areas. Since the basement is unfinished I figured the walls will tell me something when I do the inside inspection.


This picture shows a negative slope and no extensions. Water will simply pool in this area and make its way down through the foundation wall.


Sure enough when I went into the basement there were wet stains and efflorescence which are masonry mineral salts combining with moisture as it penetrates through the wall. They were found in the same area where there were no extensions, and the negative slope toward the house.

This is one of the many simple fixes on a home. By building up the dirt and having it slope away from the house, adding extensions to extend at least six feet from the house, and keeping the gutters clean will solve most of the moisture problems inside and outside the house.

Over time this condition if left untreated can cause mold, and attracts wood destroying insects.

So before buying your new home, check for missing extensions, and definitely take a look at the foundation walls.

Closer Look Property Inspections Inc.

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