
Check Out Mike Mueller’s Facebook Business Fan Page Service

Services for Real Estate Pros with The Agent Guide LLC

From my Tools For Real Estate blog:

A Facebook business page (also known as a Facebook fan page) can be a great way to promote your real estate business, even taking the place of a standard website if you don't have one yet.  (Facebook business pages are free, versatile and easy for non-techies to edit and add content to.)

The problem is that 90% of agents who want to gear up on the social media scale end up never getting around to it.  If that sounds like you, I recommend checking out Mike Mueller's AreWeConnected site and possibly hiring him to set up your Facebook business page for you.  I haven' t used this service myself, but I'm a fan of his own Facebook business page and I can tell he's really active on there and on Active Rain; overall, he seems to really know his stuff.

Here's the link: - if you scroll down the page you'll see samples of Facebook business fan pages he has created.



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Douglas Fischer
East Oahu Realty - Selling Honolulu, Hawaii Condos - Honolulu, HI

And yet one more great service I have learned about from this Group.  Thanks!  I'm checking out the website you referenced at the same time I'm AR'ing.  ; )

Sep 10, 2009 07:41 AM
Gary Coles (Coaching)
Venture Realty International - Las Vegas, NV
Latin America Real Estate

Irene,  Thanks for the information. I will definitely check it out.

Sep 10, 2009 05:07 PM
Marcia Hawken
Naples Luxury Specialist

Irene, Great info. It looks great.  All this help from you and other ARs is awesome.Have a Dandy Day!

Sep 10, 2009 10:12 PM