An appraiser friend over in Houston called today, upset that he is being "dismissed" from Streetlinks appraiser list due to "geographic incompetence". (Of course my first comment was to congratulate him from not having to do any more of their crappy 1/2 price AMC work, which is not what he wanted to hear.)
The short story is that the appraisal came in $3,500 under the sales price of the home, which mysteriously sold for about $5k over list (hidden closing costs, of course). The realtor called and chewed him out for using comps in the "bad" section of the neighborhood while the Subject was in the "good" section. Never mind that he had comps in all direction, all within 1/2 mile. Then a few days later he got his notice from Streetlinks. He's not completely out yet, they gave him some document which he can respond to that is apparently much more involved than one of those "challenge" requests -- he has to prove that he is geographically competent.
The funny thing is that he grew up in that neighborhood, has friends that live there including the appraiser that he trained under and a realtor, and he only lives about 20 miles away from it. None of them were aware that there is a good and bad section to the neighborhood. Pretty obvious that he is competent. Of course, Streetlinks doesn't care, because getting rid of him will appease the customer, and there is always someone else out there willing to make the number work, to the detriment of the general economy.
So now that any realtor who can't get his price can throw us under the bus just by complaining, where is the agency that was supposed to be set up to help us? Where do we complain to if someone is pressuring us? Do you think Streetlinks will go to bat for him? No chance, he talked to the (or "a") chief appraiser who agreed with him and them sent him the notice.
FHFA, which includes or oversees OFHEO, has absolutely nothing new about it on its website since May 1st. It seems to me that since the HVCC is now in effect, the idea of the IVPI has essentially been pushed aside and all parties involved (attorneys general, legislators, and everyone involved at Fannie/Freddie/FHFA) have moved on to the next big publicity item that might get them some attention. And the poor appraisers, who were told that while they now had to sleep outside in the cold but would get a warm meal every now and again, now find that there is no meal to be had.
As expected, we are on our own. Realtors, don't expect much out of us, because the good appraisers now live in constant fear of being blacklisted or sued for doing a good job. But don't worry, some kid willing to work for $9/hr doing an appraisal will get you your number, and you will get your commission. Of course, maybe when the guy moves in and realizes he will never sell it for what he bought it for, and sues you, some forcibly retired appraiser somewhere will get a good laugh out of it.