MY situation: I’m among the millions and millions of uninsured Americans. I’m 27 years old, and extremely healthy. I hardly ever get sick. I eat healthy. I exercise. I’m not overweight (at all!). I don’t use any prescriptions. I am a non-tobacco user. I’m completely, 100% LOW RISK with one exception. 5 years ago, I had a spot of melanoma on my back. I go to the dermatologist to get checked twice a year. If I have any more melanoma, It will likely be caught very early, and will be a very minor thing (a small surgery to remove the spot and a 2” section around it) as it was the last time.
ANY past history of melanoma = AUTOMATIC DECLINE for ALL insurance companies. And even in “high risk pools”, such as Utah’s “HIPUtah plan”, my melanoma is excluded for a minimum 12-month period. This means, even if I sign up for this RIDICULOUS policy that covers very little, and is very expensive (OVER $400/month for even reasonable coverage!!), if within 12 months of coverage, I get another spot of melanoma, no costs associated with it will be covered. Any costs associated with even getting CHECKED for melanoma within that 12-month period will not be covered. Do the insurance companies want me to NOT get preventative care, and to potentially let what would otherwise be a very minor thing turn into something that could be a lot more serious, just so they don’t have to cover it? The simple answer is YES! They don’t really give a shit about me. They only give a shit about their bottom line.
I’m self-employed. I’m a real estate broker, and an “independent contractor”. I don’t have an employer-based option for health care. Even if I did, my ‘pre-existing condition’ would still be excluded for a certain period of time. I was browsing online today, and came across an article that had the headline: “REALTORS Covered by NAR With New Limited Health Insurance Program”. Sounds pretty good – right? Well, turns out that by “limited”, it actually means “COVERS NOTHING”. They are basically taking money for almost nothing. The list of “Plan Limitations and Exclusions Applicable to All Benefits” is so long it took me almost an hour to read and digest. One of the “exclusions” reads as follows: Treatment or removal of warts, moles, boils, skin blemishes or birthmarks, bunions, acne, corns, calluses, the cutting and trimming of toenails, care for flat feet, fallen arches or chronic foot strain; I called an agent with the company who administers this plan, and told him my situation. He rudely told me “NOPE, won’t be covered”. Not only WON’T they cover me, they won’t let ANYONE on their plan get checked or treated for melanoma. Checking for melanoma involves the removal and testing of abnormal-looking moles. Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer, but is almost 100% curable if caught early. These people would prefer if I DON’T EVEN GET CHECKED!!! Wow… I guess that’s the “free market” on health insurance. Pad the bottom line. Screw the patient!!!
Under Obama’s plan, there would be NO DISCRIMINATION against people with pre-existing conditions (ie. ME!). INSURANCE COMPANIES could not drop coverage on people when they get sick. It would create a new insurance marketplace, “The Exchange”, which would create a real competitive market. It would offer a PUBLIC OPTION (Hallelujah!) for people like me!! It would IMMEDIATELY offer low cost coverage to people with preexisting conditions (ie. ME). It all MAKES SENSE!!! This isn’t just about me. There are millions and millions of Americans in similar situations. Yet some ass holes in congress are fighting tooth and nail to block this plan. They are so deep in the insurance lobby’s pockets it’s sickening. They are spreading treacherous lies, and propaganda, and using the same old BS “Scare Tactics” to try to block real reform from happening. ONE OF THEM even had the audacity to actually YELL FROM THE HOUSE FLOOR “You Lie!” to Barrack Obama as he spoke. This is definitely a new low in American politics, and is SO disrespectful it’s beyond words.
So here’s my plea, to all who read this: Please, Please, PLEASE, call your congressmen. Tell them to SUPPORT Obama’s plan, and make a real change. This can’t wait ANY longer.
Click here to see details on the plan and send a letter to your congressmen.
Click here to contribute to Rob Miller’s campaign. Help him defeat that dick head Joe Wilson, who had the audacity to heckle president Obama from the house floor.
Participate in events and vigils to help pass real healthcare reform. And, if your congressmen don’t listen, VOTE AGAINST THEM IN THE NEXT ELECTION! ORGANIZE for their opponents. Donate to their opponents’ campaigns. That’s one thing that WILL get their attention.
Please pardon my language in this post, as you can certainly tell if you’ve read this far, this is something I’m extremely emotional about. As always, please feel free to comment.