
Wine Walk the Town of Gardnerville

Real Estate Agent with Garber & Garber A Real Estate Brokerage

We live in the best town ever!!

The Town of Gardnerville decided to try something new this summer to promote businesses within the "downtown" corridor:  5 wine walks were held which allowed potential clients and customers to visit your business, meet you, and find out what you're all about. 

On September 17, 2009, the last one for the year will be held...and frankly, we are a bit saddened to see them go for a season or two.  They were a blast, each had a theme, a couple featured a nostalgic car show, one theme was the 50's, another was Hawaiian, some businesses provided sealed snacks, wine, and music.  What better combination could there possibly be?

Fortunatley, for us, our business is part of the downtown corridor; we had nearly 200 people come through our business, meet us, chat about the real estate market--that is 200 people would not have normally conversed with!  What a great way to "prospect"!

The summer in Gardnerville Nevada is winding down--the Town also made avaialable beautiful huge potted plants that were avaialable for the businesses--to help "beautify" our town as well as huge hanging pots on our street lamps overflowing with Petunias!  It is so pretty and welcoming--just adding to our "small town" charm. On September 19th the flowering pots will be picked up and tucked away for next summer. The petunias will be removed and replaced with our winter "snowflakes" hanging on the street lamps.

With a change in season comes new anticipation--what will it bring? Will business boom or slow down? There are many unknowns with "change", but one thing is comforting:  the only constant thing IS change, so grab it with excitement, and make it work!  Good night summer....Welcome Fall.


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Mari Montgomery
Mari Realty - Huntsville, TX
Mari Realty

Wow, what a fun way to prospect.  So glad you are able to take advantage of such a great opportunity and have fun!

Sep 15, 2009 12:29 PM

Hi Mari:  It really was great fun.  200 people may not sound like alot, but we are a town of only about 2500, in a county of 45,000--we are a rural community just 12 miles east of Lake Tahoe.  If you are ever out our way, please come by--we'll pour the wine :).

Sep 15, 2009 12:46 PM