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Keeping it Simple

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This is a companion piece from Eugene Hafer Attorney at Law, NC Retired in response to my last post of "The Kiss Method"


Making law in a legislative body like Congress is not simple.  Political parties have leaders who want to keep their positions by making war on the other party.  You must deal with that.  Elected politicians fight to stay in office, and that means creating and keeping loyal voters and contributors who want certain things done in return.  You must deal with that.  Lobbyists work to present the views of organizations that pay them, and as representatives of those special interests they can be of great help in raising money for the election and re-election of politicians.  You must deal with that.  The President can award members of Congress and punish them through political appointments, and funding of favored projects.  You must deal with that.  The process involves give and take, with opposing legislators agreeing to bargain away something wanted for something else gained.  You must deal with that.

The health care system includes doctors, hospitals, for-profit insurance companies with stockholders, Medicare, Medicaid, and other government programs that fund the needs of military veterans, civil servants and members of Congress.  All these various interests must be considered as many proposals are made by members of Congress.  Some of these proposals favor one of these interests and will harm one or more of the other interest groups.  You must deal with that.

The best hope we have is for our elected leaders to put aside partisan politics and listen respectfully to everyone's concerns (including increase in the national debt, having an alternative for health insurance other than from for-profit companies, and reducing the fear of medical service providers about unreasonable malpractice claims).  Honesty is important to the process.  When a prediction is made of trillions of dollars as an increase in debt over ten years what, in simple terms, is the breakdown for those costs so they can be examined in detail?  When simple words (like "lie" and "death squad") are used to anger the public, how can we get intelligent simple responses that can create an atmosphere of cooperation in solving a problem that is not simple at all?

This President, like many before him, has proposed reform of the United States health care system - one of the most costly and in many respects the most ineffective among "developed nations."  Changing what we have is generally opposed by those outside the system making more than $250,000 a year - but what we have now threatens everyone else, and badly hurts too many of us.  It seems that some changes will be made.  How many - and what kind - are being debated now.  When all the compromises are made and one bill is put forward for voting, let us hope it will be supported by our best leaders and will be best for our country and its people.