I'm curious to hear some stories of how blogging has effected your life and your business. What do you blog for? I know why I do it....we get points! LOL Just joking, but I have to admit, getting points on Active Rain for blogging adds to the fun of it. How do you use your blog to establish your credibility and grow your business? Who reads your blog? Do you have followers? Here are some of the reasons I blog and how I get others to read my blog:
1.) I blog for business - I am blogging to establish a reputation as a local market expert. I research what my local market is doing and share it with my community through this blog. I write posts about my new listings, sales and ways for buyers to search for properties.
2.) I blog for fun! - Blogging is a unique way of expressing yourself. You can share a mixture of photos and words that show your talents and interests. You can be silly, professional, or both!
3.) I blog for support - Active Rain is an awesome network of some of the industry's best professionals and I value your opinions and comments. I love the interaction we have here with other fellow agents across the country, but also in our own community.
4.) I blog for exposure - With Localism and all of the Google Juice we receive, it's hard not to love blogging. With an outside blog it is easy for consumers to find topics I've written about on my blog and I make sure that every post links back to my website and a way for them to sign-up for listing alerts.
When I'm trying to spread the word about my blog, I post it everywhere I can. Here are just a few obvious places you can advertise your blog to capture a larger audience:
- Facebook - I post the link to each of my public blog posts on my Facebook wall for others to see. It will even generate a thumbnail photo that you can have beside your post to help the link look more attractive. If you have multiple photos on your blog, you can click through and find which photo works best for the thumbnail post. I've found my friends and FB networks have enjoyed reading my 100 Days of Central Mass posts to learn about area attractions.
- Email - I advertise a "Read My Blog" link in my signatures for my emails so anyone I come in contact with has access to read my blog.
- Websites - All of my websites link back to my blog
- Business cards - Post the web address to your blog on your business cards. For more attention to it, you can have it printed on the back of your business cards across the middle with a larger font.
Your blog is one of your biggest tools next to your website. Use it to express yourself and enjoy the creativity you can share within your blog.
Share your blogging experience and be entered to win a $25 dining certificate. I'll do the drawing in 30 days from now!