
Traffic Congestion Relieved: Jefferson Street Bridge Open

Real Estate Broker/Owner with California Lifestyle Realty

Opening another major north/south corridor, CVAG is tackling the traffic issues facing the east valley.  The Jefferson Street Project was identified by voters as one of the primary roadways to be completed with Measure "A" revenues in 1988.

The second phase of the project is open with the bridge north of Hwy 111, giving an option on the north/south commute and relieving the overcrowding on Washington Street.  The six lane corridor will extend from I-10 to Avenue 54 when the third phase is completed, giving commuters easier access to La Quinta dn Indo businesses and residences.

Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) has agreed to fund 75% of project costs for all three phases, with funds collected from Measure "A" sales tax increment and Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) collections.