Hi all!
This is completely off topic - but I figure it is Friday evening and some might want a little distraction from the daily grind (and a chance at your 15 minutes of fame).
My roomate works as a casting director for MTV .... and they are searching for extraordinary, witty and VERY FUNNY bloggers. I immediately thought of the AR talent pool. Now - he gave me a really quick synopsis of the project as he ran out the door....but the scoop is (as best I can figure it) .... They want to do a show on 'movie review bloggers'. They want witty, funny, intelligent and oh - did I mention - funny characters for their show to review movies via blogs (and be filmed doing it? Not sure about all the details)!
I figured I would post this in the event that any of you do some "movie review blogging" on the side! LOL.
If you are interested in finding out more information ... send me your email address or phone number and I will have him (Josh) send you all the details.
Thanks everyone and have a safe and prosperous weekend!