
'Twas the Week Before Listing

Home Stager with Z Touch Design Services

'Twas the week before listing, while cleaning the house
Our Real Estate agent said "Now listen, don't grouse.
To make this sell quick, and for the best price,
We should bring in a Stager, and she'll make it sooo nice!"
Her unbiased "eye" and flair for décor
Will make buyers say "Ooh!" as they walk in the door.
She'll tell you move this, she'll tell you paint that,
She might say remove the wallpaper with cats."

staging van
The Stager came quickly and armed with a list.
She had lots of info and this was the gist:
"Your house is the biggest investment you've got
And the return you'll receive will be quite a lot!
What do buyers first see when their looking on-line?
Now compare yours to others, does yours really out-shine?
Some people don't realize, when it's everyday use
That to others... it's clutter, so prepare to let loose.
Perceived value is often part of the game
Don't let outdated items, be part of the blame.
Potential is something most buyers can't see
So our job is to show them how great it can be."
She made us do things that hurt just a bit
Like move family photos (my kid's always a hit!?).
The trinkets we've collected over so many years,
And more items into storage increased our fears.
She made us pack items before the house sold!
It was sure tough, but we did what we're told
But it's part of the process and time to move on.
We're slowly moving and soon we'll be gone.
She moved ‘round the furniture to open the space.
It actually looks bigger in it's new place.
She brought in accessories that added that "WOW"
It's amazing how appealing it really looks now.
Yeah, it's finished and we're so glad we listened.
Without her I don't think our home would have glistened!
It looks like a showhouse, in move in condition.
Buyers will actually see its glory, and that was the mission.
The Stager heard us exclaim as she drove off in her van,
"Thanks for making our house look sooo grand!"

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Tammie White, Broker
Franklin Homes Realty LLC - Franklin, TN
Franklin TN Homes for Sale

This is very clever.

Sep 21, 2009 01:59 PM
Leanne Zumbrunnen
Z Touch Design Services - Lenexa, KS

Thanks Tammy, it kind of popped into my head and I worked on it off and on for 2 days.  Can you see the picture I inserted?  When I previewed it, the picture was there but when I actually posted it, it disappeared.

Sep 21, 2009 02:02 PM
Sheila Kennedy
J29 Project - Rochester, NY

Awesome job Leanne!  I wrote something like this at Christmas time for my monthly newspaper article.  I love how creative you can get with poems like these!  I am so impressed with this one!  Thanks for sharing with us!

Sep 21, 2009 02:02 PM
Kathy Nielsen - Marietta, GA
Atlanta Georgia Home Stager

How cute!  FYI - there's no picture.  If you have questions on how to insert the picture feel free to contact me.


Sep 22, 2009 12:25 AM
Sharon Tara
Sharon Tara Transformations - Portsmouth, NH
Retired New Hampshire Home Stager

Very clever!  I can see why it took a couple of days to put together, it had to be a lot of work!

Sep 22, 2009 12:33 AM
Jane Ann Lance, ASPM, IAHSP, WCR
Mobile, AL

How cute!  A great way to get your point across. 

Sep 22, 2009 01:52 AM
Laurie Calhoun
Gloria Home Staging, Inc. - Winter Springs, FL
Seminole County FL Home Stager

Very funny! I'm so glad the stager didn't have to come down the chimney! ;-)

Sep 22, 2009 07:34 AM
Michele Hess
Simply Staged Inc. - Rockford, IL
Home Stager Rockford - Simply Staged Inc

Too Cute Leanne!  Thanks for sharing! :)

Sep 22, 2009 07:55 AM
Sheridan Corrie
Upstage, LLC - West Linn, OR

Leanne, I love it!  Do you mind if I reprint this? (giving you full credit of course)  I would love to share this as a part of my consultation packet.

Sep 24, 2009 06:21 AM
Leanne Zumbrunnen
Z Touch Design Services - Lenexa, KS

Sheridan, I'm flattered that you want to use it!  Yes, you or anyone else is welcome to use it and I would appreciate the credit. 

Sep 24, 2009 06:40 AM
Deena Cottingham
GreenApple Staging & Images, Calgary Staging & Photography - Calgary, AB
Home Stager & Photographer

I love it!  Very creative, Leanne. And it sums up what we do so perfectly, too!

Dec 10, 2009 07:15 AM
Leanne Zumbrunnen
Z Touch Design Services - Lenexa, KS

Thanks Deena!  It was fun to compose! I don't know how to work it into any marketing/advertising but it just kind of came to me one day.

Dec 10, 2009 09:35 AM