Is It, Or Isn't It Working?
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As home inspectors, we check to see if there are an adequate number of smoke detectors in a home. They should be in the usual locations -- in every bedroom and in any hallways that adjoin bedrooms. And, if there are wood stoves, fireplaces, gas or oil burning appliances, then there should also be a carbon monoxide detector.
While most inspectors look for proper placement of smoke detectors, the standards do not call for testing them. Sometimes you wonder how many times you see these devices and they flat do not work. They might be there, but be no good. Of course, you tell the client to test them to make sure they function after moving in. Then there are other times when you take a look and you know, right off the bat, that this unit is marginal. Who needs the test button?
Thanks for stopping by,
Steven L. Smith