
As Baby Boomers Go Virtual!

Services for Real Estate Pros with Virtual and The Writing


  It's interesting to note, that as the 1st generation of Baby Boomers will retire,  55+ homes project a very hot market today. In spite of what's going on in the industry, Boomers are downsizing, and creating opportunities for sellers and buyers. They may be deciding to downsize, and perhaps retire from the big Corporate Environment, but they are not about to stop working. 

 As companies graduate to new programs for their emloyees, challenging them with reduced benefits, smaller participation in the 401k contributions, and even downsizing themselves, fair tax debates are being discussed on radio talk-shows, self-sufficiency is being rallied, and a whole array of issues are charging the airwaves. 

However, I promise you, the boomers will be headed toward entreprenauership and the home-based office.  VA's were just highlighted on the Today show last week,  and it was noted that the Real Estate Industry is one of the predominate partners with VAs.  They are assisting Realtors in every legal possible way without holding a license.

The Virtual Assistant Networking Association (VANA) is moving toward 6000 members now, and can you just imagine what this country will be like 10 years from now with millions going virtual?  There are many of you Realtors who already classify yourselves as virtual realtors because you work at home to cut expenses. Well, that's another thought, how many boomers or people, apt renters, etc., will need bigger offices while working at home?  Time to move!

A Virtual Assistant keeps the home-based business fires burning, working for you, providing you hours,  so you have hours to obtain new clients, and work with your buyers and sellers.  So your focus is on the HOME, not the details of running your business.  With the market today, its time to re-address how you do business and pave the way for your virtual assistant!   The hours you save are your only pay her/him for hours worked.  Welcome to the new Corporate "home-based" environment Realtors and VAs!

Mary Beth Marino








 The Virtual Assistant market will be exploding and jumping onto the "VIRTUAL" bandwagon.  They will be self-sufficient, yet highly experienced in the business arena 

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Ross Quintana
Real E Smarter - Spokane, WA
Real E Smarter Real Estate Coach - 509-362-1966
yes virtual assistant reminds me of the fact I just need to work harder. No really, it is a help to many so they are more consistent. 
Feb 18, 2008 02:28 PM