Hi fellow VA's!
Hope the weekend is going really well for you.
With two of my most active clients retiring from the Real Estate game in the next couple of months .... I am starting to think about a serious need to do some marketing. Most of my clients have come from referrals and am not certain what the best method is to obtaining new clients (aside from referrals of course - which is number one!). Without giving away your business secrets of course - can any of you out there provide pointers on how this work-a-holic VA can find some more business? What are some methods that have really worked for you? Email campaigns? Letters? Face-to-Face? Telemarketing? There are so many options!!!
Real Estate Agents - what needs would you have for a Virtual Assistant? What would be a hesitation in hiring a VA be that I could address for you in an advertisement or marketing campaign.
Mortgage Brokers - I also do residential loan processing. What would be a method of 'advertising' that you would respond to if you were in need of a loan processor?
Any suggestions anyone has would be greatly appreciated!!!!!
Thanks in advance everyone! Have a great day!!!!
Deirdre Hamilton