Most days of the week I try to get in a run through the woods on the cross country trail at Belmont Abbey College. This is my alone time where I can put aside all of the distractions of modern life. Sometimes I just soak up the beauty of being out in nature. Other times I ponder some issue that has been troubling me.
This morning there was a little nip in the air - a taste of perfect running weather after a long, hot summer! Currently I'm a bit heavier than I like to be. I've struggled with a series minor injuries which have plagued my running for the past year. But today none of that mattered. I just reveled in the crisp, cool sunshine and thought about how lucky I am in so many ways. The longer I was out there, the happier I felt, and the quicker my pace became. When at last I crested the trailhead by the athletic fields I realized that this was my longest run in many months. What a great way to start the day!
As I drove back through Belmont's tastefully renovated Main Street I felt very blessed to live in a community that places a high value on preserving the small town charm and southern hospitality that are its roots - despite sitting right in the shadow of the hustle and bustle of the Charlotte metro area.