
Just why do you have a website?

Real Estate Agent with Charles Rutenberg Realty Inc BK3103036

Just why do you have a website?

From an agents point of view we feel the need to have a site developed for us or buy one “out of the box” to show vast amounts of information so peoples’ eyes will pop out for that WOW effect.

We have links to everything easily obtained through any search engine but it makes us feel great because we HAVE IT ALL. We also (In most cases) have a link to the local MLS in some form, so that people can look and look and look some more at properties. In most cases we don’t even know someone was at our site. We somehow feel comforted that hundreds of people visited our site even though we get few if any leads.

Why does a consumer visit a Real Estate site?

To look at property. Period; that’s it!

On some sites they can wander through many listings and you never know they were there. At some; before they can start looking, they must sign up. The first thing they do is find a site that requires no sign up.

Google versus Yahoo

The winner? Google. Possibly due to the nice clean no clutter look even though the results are basically the same. So perhaps clutter may not be a good thing.

So why should we have a website?

Names, addresses, phone numbers, emails, time frames for buying, anything we can get; but it’s important to GET SOMETHING!

There is a saying in the automotive business (And many other businesses)”when a customers’ lips are moving he’s lying.” You will get the same from any website gathering information. Sometimes a bad phone number and sometimes the wrong time line etc. But if you get a chance to send an email or say “Hi” and be of assistance, you’ve got a potential client.

We believe if you “show them the goods” and they like the results, they will sign up and give some basic information. We believe this because it’s been proven!

New Buyer Leads

No set up fees. (Possibly ending soon)

30 Day free trial

No long term contracts

No credit card information up front.

We’ll prove it works before you spend a cent!

YOU DO HAVE TO REMEMBER; the deals do not fall out of the sky. You must work the leads like they just walked into the office.

We actually had an agent who received 71 leads in the first 30 days!!! He didn’t think it was worth the $100.00 per month going forward! Of course he never went to the back end of his site to see what they were looking at, never even sent an email. YOU HAVE TO MAKE CONTACT.

Final comment; we’ve noticed that this thing seems to work especially well for agents that do rentals and sales. Apparently immediate gratification for agents is a good thing.



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Real Estate Leads

Melissa Zavala
Broadpoint Properties - Escondido, CA
Broker, Escondido Real Estate, San Diego County

Cyril: Good points, here. Some people cannot see the forest through the trees. In this case, those that do not want to pay the 100 dollars miss out on the chance to make thousands more!

Sep 29, 2009 11:26 AM
Ellen Crawford
Maximum One Executive REALTORS® - Alpharetta, GA
Alpharetta Real Estate Agents & Alpharetta REALTOR

The Internet rocks and is over 85% of my business, and has been for over 12 years.

Sep 29, 2009 03:30 PM
Ross Quintana
Real E Smarter - Spokane, WA
Real E Smarter Real Estate Coach - 509-362-1966

Nice to see you do a free trial I tell lead selling companies this is the model they should use, if your service ads value people will renew.

Jan 28, 2010 03:59 AM